Chapter Nine

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Mabel leaped above the waves, not daring to risk a glance behind her as the annoyed splashes of her comrades signaled their presence behind her. She giggled mischievously at her unique speed compared to them, dipping and swirling around any obstacles that happened to be in her way. Her brunette hair floated up around the crown of her head, descending further into the depths more then before. Grunting at the current urging her to stray from the path she had already chosen, the girl determinedly continued in a straight dive.

Reaching the ocean floor beneath her, the pink tailed siren grinned slightly at the familiar sensation of her scales brushing lightly against grains of rock. Glancing down in disdain at the small hills of the light yellow floor Mabel snorted before letting herself become sidetracked. She sifted through the piles of sand with keen eyes, searching for anything that might be of use to her, Dipper and Bill. Finding nothing she slowly glided a few inches around her designated spot before giving up completely and letting herself drift upward.

The brunette's head broke the surface without a problem, bemused gaze scouring the nearly still body of water for the signs of gold or the familiar blue when she saw none. Scratching her head, she released a high-pitched screech to frequencies only sirens could hear. Still, nothing. Pouting in defeat, she threw her hands up in the air and screamed at nothing, "really? I leave you two alone for one minute and you suddenly separate from me?" Though thinking back on it, most of it was probably her fault, but she didn't have time to blame anyone right now.

Huffing in frustration and curving below the surface, Mabel tucked the flower that was secured behind her ear firmly before powerfully flicking her tail, muscles working wildly to get a move on. The current pushed her back, though she growled and shouted at the liquid before starting to use her arms to get a better boost on her speed as well. This really wasn't her day. While she didn't know her family and friend was, that didn't mean she couldn't go back and ask for help from her colony.

Body on autopilot, she looped and swirled as she hurried back to the main city, relying only on instinct to help push her in the right direction. The teenager was so lost in her thoughts she nearly crashed into a school of barracuda, apologizing profusely to them as they past her without so much of an annoyed glance. Shrugging off the unusual coldness of the friendly scaled creatures, Mabel rose to the surface once more with a splutter as she stared at the surroundings.

Apparently, her instincts were horrible at direction as she had no idea to where she was, even the current was now moving differently. Groaning in confusion, she slapped her finned limb against the glassy surface, pushing her head out of the water once again. Raising a brow at the faint silhouette of an island. Her chocolate shaded hair floated around the crown of her head gently, tangling into small knots from the waves.

Deciding she had no other choice, Mabel paddled quietly toward the small portion of land, growing closer with each stroke. With a worried glance she noticed that the sun was starting to rise, which would mean that the pod would notice their absence. That wasn't good, for once they did there would be Davy Jones' Locker to pay once they retrieved them. Better then being lost in the middle of who-knows-where ocean. Submerging her body in a hurried attempt to stay hidden to any wondering eyes on the shore, she slid across the sand and pointedly ignored the constant lowering water pressure and sand grain scraping against her sensitive stomach.

Gritting her teeth as she moved over a particularly jagged broken shell, which sufficiently dug into her arm, she dragged herself on to the dry sand. Flipping onto her back, the pink staring gasped for air while staring blankly up at the rising mist as the first rays of sun warmed her skin comfortably. She sighed and let her eyes droop closed for a minute before shifting and supporting her weight on her elbows, trying to figure out where she was.

Before she could do anything of the sort, however, a large net was flung above her followed by victorious and excited hooting. Panic immediately seized her, so much so that it didn't occur to her to sing as the hidden humans slunk out of the bushes, circling around her and taunting her. The brunette was immensely confused as to why and how this could happen, along with the what-ifs racing through her head.

Mabel thrashed in the grip of a burly male who had picked her bulk up without her knowledge though only succeeded in hitting him in the face with her dorsal fin, which did little to faze him. "Hey! Let me go, you big brutes!" She screeched frantically but her demands were ignored and she watched helplessly as her home grew farther and farther away the longer they trekked through the thick foliage of the forest. Sagging defeatedly in the man's grip, the finned girl took the time to survey her surroundings, try to find an opening.

While there wasn't one, she did get the gist of where she was; most likely on a barely inhabited island, probably one with a little town in the middle holed away and focused on surviving without any other help. Hissing at anyone who drew to near to try to touch her other then the guy carrying her, she had to admit that their confident facade was slowly tiring her out. It would only be a matter of time before she lost consciousness in the middle of all the uproarious screaming and chattering.

Grumbling sulkily at her loud surroundings she crossed her arms across her chest, pouting up at the sky as her brain raced for a solution out of the problem she had gotten herself into. Wiggling a little more, she only ended up getting slapped rather harshly with a red hand mark on her cheek which was the only sign that anyone had touched her harshly. Yelling in pain, the brunette snarled aggressively up at the perpetrators who were bringing her closer to the town before rolling onto her side.

Mabel, along with her brother, had been warned profusely about humans and the sirens who went on land yet never came back. It was becoming a possibility every second that she would be one of them, or at least go through some trauma that would scar her forever. A fee tears leaked out of the corner of her eyes at the mere thought and buried her face into her damp hands. The brunette didn't even know what wild happen if she dried out completely, though if anything she didn't want to become a shriveled raisin of her former self. Not to mention the shell and pebbles stuck between her scales and the strong digging uncomfortably into her sensitive skin.

"Dipper.....Bill.....wherever you are, please hurry." She whispered helplessly, arms tangling in the rope and rendering her unable to do anything but sit and wait for the torment the humans had for her.

I took a really long time to update, SO SORRY! Also I really wanted to get this out for everyone so I may have rushed a little bit, along with the fact my writing style has changed a little bit so there was more big words then there was description Dx sorry. But, seriously, 921 views?! That's amazing, guys! I'm so proud of you all, or for those who have continued to read this, for not giving up at the unexpected long pauses between chapters! Love all you peeps! That's all, folks~!


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