Chapter Five

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Chapter Five Start

The blond groaned groggily, trying to sit up only to wince at the pain that erupted in his back causing him to flop onto his side weakly. He squeezed his eyes shut, rubbing them roughly before burrowing further into the soft substance beneath him, sighing in happy content as he curled further in on himself and pointedly ignoring the persistent nudging of a nose against the palm of his hand, quiet snuffling reaching his finned ears.

When the poking refused to stop, he blinked open his orbs, light emitting from them and illuminating the guilty party's face. It had brown smooth skin with whiskers that ticked his cheeks, and serene black eyes that calmly stared at him as it's light pink nose pushed his limb again. When the fact registered that this was definitely not his shark, he released an ear-shattering scream, startling the poor mammal as he darted to a corner, shrouding himself in shadows as he rubbed his arms in a persistent manner to cease his terrified shivering.

The doorway that was hanging halfway off its hinges flew open, a young female panting in its wake as the animal cowering in the corner darted out the door and into the depths of wherever he was. His tail slapped wildly against the intricate but old floorboards as he pushed hisself further into the wall, panicked whimpers escaping him as he ducked his head in a feeble attempt to make himself appear smaller to the stranger.

The girl made a shushing motion with her finger desperately, brown hair frizzy from what he assumed to be sleep as she slowly approached, talking lowly as if he was a scared wild animal. He eventually got his heartbeat to return to its uneven patter, terrified golden orbs watching her every move as she came closer. She had a unique bright pink tail, something he had never seen before in sirens, and kind brown eyes that held nothing but compassion and warmth.

He allowed his muscles to unravel from their tense position, still monitoring the other being as she pulled out a green strip of seaweed. Extending her hand, it took the male siren a minute to understand that she wanted for him to give her his arm, and he tentatively placed it in her gentle grip, staring in fascination when the makeshift bandage immediately tightened to accommodate his arm size around the small scratches he had somehow acquired. She gave a small smile, straightening before ordering for him to stay here, and he frantically nodded his head, playing with the new wrappings on his limb.

She quietly shut the entrance and left the golden male to take in more of his surroundings, scouring the room with an obvious impressive demeanor as he observed that every book was tucked neatly on a shelf, wooden desk next to the green moss nest topped with an array of artifacts from what he assumed to be various shipwrecks and things close to land. The blond scooted a little out of his corner, peering out of a tightly closed and locked window, eyes widening when he saw the sun inching toward the horizon line, colors dancing across the other makeshift houses below him.

He barely noticed when the door creaked open, hushed voices quietly arguing behind his back as he looked on, transfixed, at the hues of reds and purples and oranges waltzing through the constantly shifting water. A light cough broke him from his reverie as he spun around, gripping the wall tightly only for his dark yellow orbs to fall on the young siren, with someone else who slowly progressed from behind her, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly and avoiding his curious stare.

The blond inhaled sharply at the other male, silently scanning his body approvingly and burning it into his memory before dragging his gaze up to the other's face and nearly passed out again. Freckles were covering his cheeks and nose, brown hair not unlike the female floating excitedly next to him flopping in front of his eyes. He certainly had a strong jawbone and muscles rippled through his tail when he flicked it, navy scales dulled and dark in the absence of light, but he was fairly sure that they were breathtaking in the day.

When the two started visibly fidgeting and exchanging uneasy glances, the blond noticed he must be staring at the male like a fresh meal had just been delivered to him personally. Composing himself, the male cleared his throat and asked, voice just a raspy whisper, "where am I?" The pink finned woman seemed to brighten at that, grin stretching across her face as she answered cheerily that he was resting and recovering at their house and that they had found him with a shark pup wailing loudly before practically dragging him all the way back to their colony, where they then fixed him up and left him to rest.

The blue siren nodded along to the explanation with a carefree expression, loosely crossing his arms and seemingly oblivious to the golden eyes that were drilling invisible holes into the side of his skull. He usually pitched in to correct the storylines so that the more energetic and imaginative girl wouldn't get off track, and the blond felt a shiver run down his spine every time he heard the smooth baritone of his voice. Once they finished, the bright male fiddled with his locker without another word, the other two falling into a respectful silence before he spoke, vocal cords straining to work from not voicing his thoughts this much in a while. "Thank you....for helping me, I mean. My name is Bill. Bill Cipher."

The frequency of the squeal that was released from the young girl's mouth was like nails grating through a rough rocky surface as the two males cringed and covered their ears in vain to block out the noise. "Oh. My. Neptune. That is the cutest name ever!" She practically screamed, squishing her cheeks together in an act to compose herself while said tailed man pouted in protest, warming up to what he had deemed as hatch mates. He argued that it was threatening and demonstrated his powerful nature by face planting straight into the floor when he tried to lunge at her, tail still getting used to working again after being rested for longer then be was used to.

The male brunette rolled his eyes, gesturing to himself then the other as he introduced himself as Dipper, then his sister to be Mabel. Bill nearly swooned over how nice the name fit, and had to bite his lip to prevent himself from blushing when he lifted his bangs to show why he was called that. At that very moment, the blond was pretty sure he had fallen even further for the siren he just met. After goofing around for a while longer, the two were forced to retreat to the female brunette's room after retrieving his faithful shark who they had learned the name of it to be Damien.

Once they reassured him that no one would come searching in the other man's room because they were suspicious of an unfamiliar being hiding away in his room, he was able to nestle back into the moss bedding comfortably and stare at the ceiling, sighing dreamily with a sleepy smile on his face. The predator gave him a long look and he groaned, slapping his tail frustratingly against the floor and throwing his arms dramatically over his molten gold orbs. "Ugh. Stupid feelings with their stupid reactions and stupid chemicals." He groaned, wiggling to bury himself further into the resting place as he exhaled, lazily watching air bubbles float toward the ceiling and pop silently.

Laughter sparkled in his companion's obsidian orbs, and he pointed an accusing finger at the tiger shark pup, feigning anger as much as he could while staring an adorable baby hunter in the face, who looked so innocent and amused at the same time it was funny. "Now you listen here, no hooking me up with strangers, aight?" He ordered, laughing softly when he heard a confirming chirp before turning on to his side and folding his bandaged arms underneath his head, breathing evening out into shallow inhales and exhales, unaware of the complete mischievous gaze boring into his back.

His owner hadn't said anything about getting him in a relationship with a trusted person he knew, so with a cute but evil sounding squeak, the shark slipped out the slightly ajar entrance and swam off in search for his new sea lion friend who went by the name of Waddles. 

Chapter Five End

See? Even animals know when it's the right time to step in! Honestly, this was more of a filler chapter then anything....hope it wasn't to boring and short for you, but I wanted to get this done and I didn't know what else to write in Bill's perspective, so I just did some minor bonding with the twins and all that stuff. I know he's really out of character currently, but the further we get into the book the more his....interesting side will show, if only a little bit. But ANYWAYS, I've got the sixth chapter planned out (again), and I'm currently writing it (again)! But as we can all see, Bill has already developed a little crush on our favorite boy! *le gasp*. What will happen next? The world may never know!

.....until I update the next chapter, that is. Catch ya later!


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