Chapter Two

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Hey! Woo-wee! This chapter sure came early! I'm incredibly grateful I had some spare time on my hands, and I'm just typing up a storm because my head is being flooded with SO. MANY. INSPIRATIONS. But yeah, enjoy this chapter as well! :D

Chapter Two Start

A small tiger shark swam above the crevices and curves of rock, twisted passageways stretching out in all directions, all leading somewhere dangerous or safe. The fish continued, flaring its gills once or twice at any movement in the shadows and accelerating it's pace, frantically flicking its tail as it squeezed through a hole on the floor, rushing downward and only skidding to a halt when it faced the sand bank of a mini beach, surrounded by stone and cave systems that were to complicated for ones who hadn't explored it more then once to understand the patterns of the ocean.

Coal black eyes blinked from the sudden light that was emitting from the torches that leaned against the wall, flickering strongly with hot flames, the water closest to it unnaturally warmer then the rest of the pool that surrounded the little island. Trees had sprouted from the patches of grass that lay nestled comfortably between clusters of crabs and clams that had taken up residence on the plot of land as well.

Coconuts hung from the spread leaves of the palms, stretching up to the domed ceiling that held holes drilled into it as well. The shark scoured the darkness for any signs of other life, and, upon seeing none, swam down a river that had been built through the sand and curled up contentedly in a reasonable sized debt that was filled with the salt liquid. Footsteps echoed off the cavern walls, a gust of wind announcing another's arrival as a lanky male stepped out of one of the many entrances, hauling a basket full of raw fish behind him.

He waded through the moat with little effort, scrambling up the sandy hill and nearly sliding down again when a foothold he had stepped in crumbled beneath him. He grunted as he pushed himself up, gripping onto the strong weeds that had planted themselves into the sand before gasping in relief when the food followed him up. His once clean blond locks was now matted and dirty, chopped messily past his ears to avoid any other problems that came with hair hygiene.

He crawled over to a smoldering pile of burnt twigs, slowly inhaling and hovering his hands over the useless materials, the young man grit his teeth as his palms sparked with a blue light. It slowly extended to a more suitable fire starter as the remaining wood slowly eating it up, and he grinned triumphantly, whistling cheerily as he rolled down the hill, crashing into a nearby bush and promptly waking the animal that had been in a peaceful slumber before being woken with all the ruckus he had been making.

A sharp glare immediately brightened when an angel fish hit it on the snout, snorting before burrowing its jaws into the dead fish's stomach. A loud laugh rang out and bounced off the interior of the cove as the blond reached down a pale hand to affectionately stroke the shark as it ate its fill. Joyful gold orbs suddenly misted over with pain and longing, diminishing the positive mood that he had been carrying around the entire day.

The male fiddled with his shredded black shirt, fingertips skimming the rusted chain of the necklace that he always wore at all times. Sighing softly, he straightened from his crouched position and shuffled over to the bank, removing both top and bottom articles of clothing before pushing off headfirst into the small bay that had been created just for entering and exiting their home. The small animal let out a quiet chirp before scurrying over to the light show that was dancing across the inner caves.

A yellow shaded tail flicked experimentally against the water before the owner took off like a shot, causing his pet to squeak and rush after him desperately. He darted around tunnels, working his new limb to its limits as his head swiveled right and left to navigate the direction to get out of the claustrophobic and damp space. Finally, he emerged out into the open sea, breathing the fresh water in and gently taking the fin of his predator companion in his hand before slowing his pace to more of a cruise setting.

Sunlight danced across his scales as he relished in the warmth the ocean brought, a laugh bubbling up in his throat as he did a few twirls before continuing to swim, a large grin taking place of the stoic mask he had had in place for a couple of weeks. "Hey, Damien! See if you can catch up!" His voice was smooth, and higher then expected for someone his age, but all the same the fish respected and loved him, so it became a game. The leathery and sharp-toothed shark against the fast and human-level intelligent man chased each other across the ocean floor, eyes shining with humor as they tried to avoid each other with every trick they knew.

While they were playing, they failed to notice a shadow gradually grew over the light source before it completely blotched it out. Both siren and finned animal looked up in unison, the blond gasping when his eyes were met with the wooden underside of a rather large ship. Every instinct screamed for him to lull the sailors in, capture them, eat them, but he shook it off with a shiver, nose wrinkling in distaste as the loud and drunk shouts echoing into the night overhead.

Spotting a few rocks nearby, the siren hurried to the gray stones and pulled himself up silently, flattening himself onto the surface and narrowing his eyes at the transportation device that seemed to be anchored securely in place. A smirk firmly in place, ignoring the warning hisses from Damien and whispering harshly to the anxious fish, "I'll be fine! Stop worrying, Dami." He didn't stick around to listen to his companion scold him on the risks he was taking as he slowly slithered up to the exterior or the hull, grabbing the planks designingly pushed out a bit further.

He peeked through a small hole, scanning the deck and nearly gagging when the scent of whisky hit him full-force. He nearly released his grip on the boat, but managed to secure himself without his scaled tail flailing uselessly in the clean air. The man pressed himself into the boards, scrabbling to the top and peering under the silver railing that he was now holding onto, holding his bulk with effort. People were telling each others stories whilst taking a swig of liquor every few words, spit flying out of their mouths when they talked or chuckled, releasing a loud belch now and then.

Musicians were playing in the background, a small circle of humans dancing gradually being surrounded by others clapping and whistling their approval when a lady entered to dance. With a disgusted scoff, the male pushed himself off and landed in the water with a splash, already lazily swimming further away from the noisy floating party. He barely noticed when a occupant of the ship screamed loudly when they noticed Damien hurrying after him, to lost in his thoughts.

A panicked shriek broke him from his reverie, and as he turned around, his eyes widened when he saw his shark come barreling toward them and just barely avoiding silver bullets that were piercing the surface of the ocean. The blond opened his arms invitingly, and was met with a shivering fish as he twisted and darted away, swerving to avoid the clumsy shots that were still being directed in their direction, faltering with an agonized scream when something dug into his yellow dorsal fin.

He slowly floated down, the only sound to be heard being blood rushing in his ears as he tightened his grip on the struggling predator, checking if the shark was okay before letting his eyelids slide shut and fall into unconsciousness.

Chapter Two End

I have decided I am going to alternate each character's perspective each chapter, for example; Mabel, Bill, Dipper, Mabel, Bill, Dipper etc. And WOW! This is the closest update I have ever had! And I'm already starting on the third one! My brain is apparently really determined to get this finished for you fine people, and that's okay because I honestly don't want you to wait for an extremely long time then for the next chapter to end up being absolutely terrible because I rushed it for you peeps! That's all I really wanted to say, YUPS. Bye!


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