Chapter Six

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Chapter Six Start

Sunlight slanted through the semitransparent blinds, shadows slowly receding to the to the darker corners of the room and retreating from the slumbering forms of two finned figures, warmth slowly waking them from their drowsy fatigue as they blinked open their brown eyes, both sitting up and stretching simultaneously, then, the female remembering the secret guest they had been housing, shoots up, yawning and looking around brightly while nearly vibrating with eagerness to go check on their golden visitor. "Gooood morning, Dipping-Sauce! Ready for another fantastic day of adventure and mystery?" She enthusiastically exclaimed, fiddling with her fingers as she flicked her brother impatiently.

With more persistent tugging, she finally hauled the male brunette off the floor and into the bathroom, watching him critically as he brushed his teeth sleepily, rinsing his mouth out and rubbing the gunk out of his tired orbs before cracking his back and flopping back onto the wooden boards again. Snorting in amusement, she did her business before picking up a pink flower, pushed it behind her ear, and swam quickly to the door a hallway down, energetically knocking before shoving it open and being met with the sight of a yellow glow pulsing brightly in the mess of green foliage.

Slowing down, the brunette inched closer to the bedding, carefully peeking over the edge and nearly awing at the sight of Damien wrapped in the gentle arms of the blond siren, soft snores emitting from his mouth and little purrs ejecting themselves out of the tiny nostrils of the shark. She whipped around when her brother followed her in, and panicked, holding out her palms in a stopping motion before waving one her hand wildly over the bed and shaking her head wildly, recently brushed hair flying around crazily.

Dipper paused unsurely, frown etching itself into his features as he quietly started to back out, waving his tail in bemusement. Throwing her arms up, she started forward, gripping his forearm tightly before bringing him over to the moss and pointed insistently at the duo that were cuddled up next to each other. The young man's face became stoic, and he turned to his sister. Her excitement fell upon noticing the other's negative reaction, and when she was about to apologize for whatever he thought she had done wrong, he said very carefully, as if testing out every word, "Mabel....this is the cutest thing I have ever witnessed in my entire life." His lips quirked upward into a smile and he hugged her close with one arm, affectionately rubbing her head with a fist as she squirmed and giggled happily.

The quiet snort of consciousness brought her to glance down at the two males, eyes widening drastically when she noticed wakefulness flooding the blond's features, and she quickly pushed the blue siren's arm off her, instead inhaling a deep breath and bellowing to the seven seas that she was the Queen of Tired Men, so they better get their fish tails up before she went and slapped them into submission. The golden siren's body jerked to action, rising so fast it would have been impossible to detect him had the tell-take jingling of the necklace hanging around his neck not given him away.

She could feel her brother lightly tracing the bones that lined his piece of jewelry and thoughtful hum as he stared at the other clumsily swimming up to her and straightening his back, facial expression comically attentive as he saluted her dutifully. "Ma'am, yes, Ma'am!" He barked, yellow eyes sparkling with new energy that hadn't been there before, as his animalistic partner weaved lovingly around their tales and paused to rub against Bill's before darting away into the sunken boat.

Mabel quickly reassured him that no harm would come to Damien, the other residents here weren't really observant when it came to the unusual around here unless it was the supernatural, and wild sharks swam through all the time, so he was perfectly safe. After the blond calmed down, the female siren ordered both males to wait here when she went to fetch breakfast for all of them before gliding down to the middle floor and entering the rusting kitchen, cautiously glancing around before throwing open a cabinet and gathering three big fishes, for she was unsure of what their friend would like.

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