Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven Start

Floorboards creaked as waves sloshed against the polished sides of a boat riding on its surface, golden decor dotting every space thoroughly and reflecting the sunlight proudly. The wind whistled into the sails, pushing it forward successfully as loud chatter rang from upon its deck. Jaunty music from fanfares and stolen violins rang out into the crisp starry sky with the moon shining down upon the vessel. Alcohol sloshed over glasses as they were drunkenly clinked together in celebration of another successful day though being quickly consumed by those who were holding them.

Greedy grins lit up the area around them as the quiet jingle of coins landed on a hard surface followed by more jovial laughter and loud told over and over again stories. Eyes crinkled from the large grins that were plastered on their faces, all except one. In the lowest part of the ship where gunpowder and last-minute resources were sat a large tank, filled to the brim with year old ocean. Shadows squirmed and twisted along the corners of the room, threatening movements causing the boat to rock dangerously as if in response to an unsaid voice.

Something flashed in the murky liquid as some salt water splashed over the edge and splattered onto the splintered floor. A head hesitantly popped up from the place where it had been resting, icy blue eyes scanning the area before rising further out of the tub. A young man laid in the small space, sporting a wonderful shade of unkept shoulder length baby-blue hair with white finned ears resting on the side of his face. Starting from the waist down was a tail that had a beautiful clean marble hue, though the once proud glow that it used to possessed was now gone, replaced instead by various patches of missing scales and scars dotting the base of it.

Weary blue orbs scoured the small space before sighing in relief and flopping forward with a small whimper. Listening to the cheerful atmosphere and conversations above he flicked his unusual appendage uncomfortably at the limited water box he was in. Pale skin shone in the little light that leaked through cracks on the sides, entire form seeming to sparkle like an angel. Turning his attention to the metal entrance that was embedded only a few feet ahead of where he was sitting, he chewed on his lower lip anxiously.

The young man clicked his cracked and worn claws against the uncleaned glass, facial expression glossing over in thought temporarily. He jumped violently and winced as some water sloshed over the side once again as the entrance slammed open with a sudden bang, one that bounced around his ears painfully. Moonlight filled up the dusty area as the shadow of a figure stretched out on the corridor of light acting like a carpet. The soft tapping of metal heels against wood beckoned an unsettled shiver to crawl up his spine as he shrank back fearfully at the approaching person.

The finned male squeezed his orbs shut at the feeling of a sharp glare drilling into his face and a shadow looming over him, sinking further into the chilling water. Chubby hands gripped the roots of his hair and tugged harshly at it leading him to cry out in pain and pry open his eyes. He was met with a stubby man that had overly-gelled hair and a cold gaze that could break through solid iron. He smelled distinctly like fish and something else rotten, and was wearing a tacky blue suit with matching striped pants.

"Tell me, siren. Tell me the whereabouts of Cipher!" He snarled wildly with another harsh tug to his head. Tears gathered at the corners of his vision from the agony being inflicted upon his scalp, though he refused to answer. He whimpered pitifully at another violent pull and relented quickly, "I-I've told y-you b-before, I-I don't know w-where h-he i-is! I swear!" Narrow piggy eyes squinted furiously at him as lips pulled back to reveal perfectly sharp white teeth that could rip skin off of any human.

He snapped something incoherent to the bluenette back and shook his head back and forth with an agitated yell. A barrage of curses followed, and he ripped from the shorter man's grasp, sinking to the very bottom of the tank. The siren allowed the barely formed tears gather and spill over the corners of his orbs until he was full-on sobbing miserably. He wrapped scarred arms around his thin waist in an attempt to protect himself from the blows that were now being landed on him, blood dripping down into the dirty liquid as healing scratches reopened.

Angry yells and swears flew faster from his lips, each one adding on to the lack of self-esteem and confidence he had acquired before he had been caught by the ship. "Where is Bill Cipher?!" Came the enraged screech once more and this time, the blue haired boy was finished, he just wanted to be left alone. So with as much gusto he could muster he hulled himself up and yelled back that he didn't know, and even if he did he wouldn't ever tell him.

That landed him a heavy back-handed slap to the cheek and a kick to the stomach before a frustrated albino stormed out of the room and slammed the door behind him, the loud noise of a lock clicking shut resonating around the now silent space once more. His entire body sagged as he burrowed his head into his injured and scarred arms, wails emitting from him as he cried. Thunder boomed outside and waves licked the side of the boat hungrily, splashing over the railing and onto the deck.

The ocean became alive, twisting and twirling and roaring with the wind raging from the oncoming storm. Alarmed shouts from above branch the bluenette out of his pity-party long enough to pay attention to the actions around himself. His large blue orbs widened in fear at the loud crackles of lightening outside and he retreated as far as he could go, submerging his entire body with only the tip of his dorsal fin protruding from the surface. He whimpered loudly at the crashing and panicked movement going on upstairs, cupping his palms to his finned ears to try to block out the commotion.

He feebly begged for it to stop, for everything to be silent, but it wouldn't obey his command as everything seemed to become louder, if possible. Shadows writhed violently and the wooden boards howling, straining under the force of the unexpected onslaught. Water droplets pounded on the ceiling creating an ominous tapping noise that set the finned male's gills flaring unhappily. "Oh, Gods, please. Please keep Bill safe." He screamed above the ruckus taking place above his head and gripped tightly to the side of the tub as it slid to the left.

It hit the splintered wall with a loud bang and a crack as some weak and rotten material gave away to the force of the blow. Water trickled in slightly from the rainfall though he knew it wouldn't be enough to free him of his prison. Moonlight filtered in from the little area that it was given, though his tears wouldn't let up as he cried, "Please, Neptune! Please keep Bill safe!"

Chapter Eleven End

Woo! I finally did it! The last chapters have been sort of short and I apologize for that! But yeah, guess who this is! GUESS! GUESS IT! Reviews and/or comments are always highly appreciated, negative or positive! Anyway, thanks for reading! And hopefully I'll update quicker this time, because I always leave my chapters off on a cliff hanger....well, sort of, at least. And now Trump is president -.- joy! Well, talk to ya'll later!


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