Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten Start

Dipper might have been lost.

Okay, Dipper was lost.

Spinning around in circles, the siren wildly searched for a familiar coral, rock, fish, anything. But no, nothing was right here, it was getting dark and cold, and the navigator of his colony was lost.

Oh, the irony of this situation.

Grunting in frustration, the boy paddled forward, feebly kicking the water with his tail as he flicked his ear fins, frowning deeply in confusion. Hadn't he just passed that sand bank...? He didn't really know anymore, and this was going to be a problem. Groaning and watching the air bubbles float up to the surface, the brunette huffed and darted off in a random direction, intent on finding at least a familiar face. He didn't really care what is was anymore, as long as he knew what they were so they could direct him back home.

But what about Bill or Mabel? What happened to them? He had just ducked under to keep track of his sister for a moment before rising up again only to find the other male gone along with his twin. It had baffled more then frightened him, considering he had been keeping an eye on both of them the whole time. Zipping past an array of colorful coral reefs Dipper puffed out his cheeks as worry bloomed in his chest.

How could this happen, he wondered, after everything had been going alright? They had had a great mystery on their hands, found a new friend, and we're enjoying themselves at dawn, but then fate had to go screw with everything and mess with their lives. Huffing in irritation he continued sulkily with his arms folded crossly against his chest. He was going to give both the golden siren and his twin a tongue lashing once he found them again, and returned home, and it certainly wasn't going to be pretty.

Scratching his cheek and paddling forward tentatively, the brunette threw caution to the wind and after taking a deep breath, shouted with as much power as he could handle for his twin sister and friend. The only thing he got was the echoes of his voice resonating off of the coral near him. A frown worked its way onto his lips, not for the first time, and he released a series of clicks and chirps in hopes of communicating with the fish or sea mammals nearby.

Dipper hummed uncertainly and lowered himself to the sandy ocean floor, folding his hands under his head and staring contemplatively up at the surface. On one hand, he could wait it out and see if anyone from his pod would realize he was gone. On the other, if he did that there was more then a likely chance he would either get bored and wander away or something else more dangerous would find him. Just thinking about what was out there sent a shiver down his spine.

Looking around worriedly with the first spikes of fear and panic entering his mind the blue siren pushed himself up again and darted away, only leaving a trail of bubbles in his wake. His scales shimmered in the sunlight that was now beaming down from the middle of the sky, the reflections of the silver and blue dancing along coral and rocks that he passed in a hurry. Sighing at the warm liquid surrounding his form the blue siren allowed himself to relax if only for a moment. Bill and his sister were both intelligent people. They knew what was out there, outside of the protective barrier....right?

Shaking off the frantic thoughts that intercepted his thoughts once more about the duo he pushed on with a huff. Dipper skidded to a halt at the sight of a rotting boat, and carefully advanced with a confused noise. "Uh...hello? Anyone there?" He called out tentatively, jumping and spinning around when a thump sounded behind him. There was nothing more then the barren landscape for miles, though that did nothing to calm his racing heart.

A strange feeling was bubbling in his gut and he wasn't sure he liked it; especially when he was alone with no way to get home. A small whimper escaping his lips the brunette entered the worn vessel and looked around with all the muscles in his body tense and ready to flee. Schools of fish flitted through the cracks in the walls with coral and oysters clinging onto the disintegrating wooden surface with other reef animals hanging onto anything they could find.

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