New Beginnings... starting with myself & you

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I realize that I am turning 23 this year...I was born in the year 2000, so as the years go by I turn the same age as that year approaches, but moving on...

I want this age to change me to be better than I was before, turning 20 made me see that I was getting to that adult age, I can still have fun and be as young as my years, but now I have to grow the fuck up. turning 21 made me see that my early 20s is teaching me a lot, I am taking the time and the compacity to unlearn what was told to me because they were lies and to re-learn what should have been taught to me which is the truth. Turning 22 physically made me turn a new leaf....

In my 22 years of living I had to learn and realize that my happiness is so much more than what is being advertised to me. Social media has people my age and younger in such a loop that nobody can barely tell the real from the fake anymore, there is a bunch of fantasies being sold to the young audience, young people my age like me barely want to get a good paying minimum wage job to keep their money afloat to get the things they need and want, and to pay hard work for it, they rather dance infront of a phone camera and do these unfunny skits on tiktok to get paid and trying to make it seem like its "hard work" like their living a 9 to 5 coming up with different content schemes to sell to the younger audience. Now half of these tiktokers are sitting in the same row as actual celebrities that actually did the real hard work for their fame and actually worked for the things that they give out to their devoting fans. Now before you start off with your rants taking about "your jealous that they worked hard for what they have" "their actually popular for what their doing" or some shiesty shit talking about "your mad their actually prettier than you" "you mad their actually talented than you" for one, your probably a child talking like that, stay out of grown folks conversation, your too emotional to be talking like that and for two, SHUT THE FUCK UP Thank you <3 ;)

All I'm saying at 22 there is a lot more to your young 20s than just doing shit that everybody else is doing. Finding different hobbies that you've never gotten to try when you was a teenager because you were afraid that you would fail, or because your family/you couldn't afford it. Going out and having that quality alone time outside or in a library, or at a function/new school (college) meeting new people that you can call your new companions. turning 23 next month is giving me a lot to think about. One of my biggest fears is regretting that I wouldn't be able to live out my greatest dreams because for the fear of failure, but then again I am willing to take that chance, when someone pass up on me, another will take me under their wing,

When one door closes, another one will open,

When someone says no, someone else will say yes,

When you fall down, get back up dust off and come back for more.

Sorry for being corny. But one thing about turning any age out of your years, I am still learning to grasp onto the concept that I don't have to do everything or complete everything in my life just to say that I did it. I want to find my meaning for my own happiness and complete what I never though I would, and to follow my dreams. Where I come from, people my age only dream that they didn't make the mistakes that they made, now their living with an eternal death sentence, girls my age only want people to give to them, but never want to give back because they believe that they deserve everything and shouldn't have to do the work for it. I want to be better than my past self, so when I know I've made it, I would want my younger self to be proud of me.

Dear Black Girl, everything comes with a price, you can pay it off with success, but there are the ones where you pay with your own set backs, or your life. It may seems like life is moving too fast and you want to complete a lot and do a lot all at once, but remember to slow down and take time to breath and smell the flowers. Society is already hard on us as women, but more really as Black women, put you first, think about what you want before giving your all to somebody that don't deserve it. Put yourself first before the ones that you believe that will have your back. Love you first before you love anybody else. Take care of you before sheltering someone else. Age is just a number. Youth is forever. Thank you for coming to my TEDtalk <3

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