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When I started thinking about this topic, it was playing with my top a lot.

People stay trying to put Black Women in a box. In their eyes, "BW are loud" "BW are ghetto" "BW are ugly" "BW are this and that, and that and this". It's getting tired, Black Women can be whoever they want to be. Black women are not a monolith, why are we called weird if we dress differently, why are we looked at weird if we like other genre's of music other than hip-hop/rap and rn'b. Why is it a bad thing when Black women what change? Why is it a bad thing when Black women want to life a soft life?

Now into this year's generation Black Women has been the main topic of discussion. We are always being compared to animals, other races of women, and anything bad-related. When black women speak up, were told to be quiet, that we don't know nothing, and that were the cause of it. There are some BW that will add to that, but it's not all BW. The same way Black Men say "it's not all black men" its the same for Black Women. Yes, there are black women who have an ignorant mentality, yes there are black women who have no problem doing wrong to others, but cry wolf when its them. Yes there are black women who would rather be stuck in their toxic ways, but its not all of us as one. They don't represent other black women who are different from that demographic. There are black women who don't fight/don't like fighting, there are black women who are more book smart than street smart, there are black women who like to dress more baggy/boyish than girly and all in pink, there are plenty of black women who is a lot more different than the other. That's what makes us beautiful, that's what makes us very unique. Black women shouldn't be put into one category for people's liking when they want to like us, black women should be included whenever, not when people want them when it's beneficial.

There are plenty of talented and smart black women. There are smart black women in STEM, testing and studying to be our new generation of doctors, there are black women wanting to be a teacher because they love children/ or they want to give children something that they never had. There are black women that are studying and applying to be surgeons that were gonna need, black women who are looking into becoming therapist that we need, there are black women who are going out and getting their higher education, no matter if its a college degree, or their GED, what you can't say is that their not doing the work to go and get it. I want people to have their minds out of their asses, and realize that black women has been holding it down since the beginning, it's the doubters, black women haters, the sassy sissy's, women hater's period, the racist, just people that hate to see black women shine and do better than just being a baby mother with no ring or husband, or a bum. Black women, we have been doing the damn thing. From my single mother's to my wives, from my hoochie mama's to my good girls, and from my ghetto girls to my upper echelons, girl you matter, from lightest to darkest, no matter what skin condition, you are beautiful no matter what. Allow yourself to be yourself, because you're gonna have a hard time trying to figure it all out in the long trying to be some one else in the process thinking that it gonna make you likeable.

Dear Black Girls, difference is what makes you unique and beautiful. Don't try to be all in the mix, don't lose yourself to make other's happy.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2023 ⏰

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