chapter 3

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The next few weeks were a hectic thing for naruko and y/n to the point where y/n couldn't ask her out but during that week tension was brought to a all time high as we join the class with y/n standing infront of naruko who was crying while he was audibly growling at his twin brother Kiba with a look that could kill a thousand times over, kiba on the other hand had a cocky grin on his face. "What is this bro you defending the fuckin whore no one will bother to look at." Kiba snarks as Cujo looked up at y/n before leaping out the window running down the road at full speed. Y/n gripped his fist tightly while Hinata hyugua walked up and tried to comfort naruko. "Kiba I'm giving you a out back off and apologize and maybe I won't neuter you." Y/n said dangerously as kiba scoffed. "Please your a omega and I'm a alpha you always step back, you are weak." Kiba said as Iruka tried to intervene but y/n snarled at him barring his teeth at him making the chunin back off. "You have no idea how wrong you are." Y/n said as Kiba laughed as he pointed at the window. "Even Cujo ran from you so you have to be weak!" Kiba laughed while y/n clenched his fist causing blood to drip from his hand.

After Cujo had leaped from the window he had raced down the road as fast as his legs would carry him when he rounded a corner he slammed in to Kuromaru. ' Easy little pup where is the fire?' Kuromaru huffed as Cujo barked. 'Y/n and kiba are getting ready about to go at each other's throats!' Kuromaru's ear perked up as he picked Cujo up with his teeth and throw him on his back. 'Explain I'll take us to m'lady!' kuromaru growled as he leaped to the roof tops. ' Kiba called naruko a cheap whore and that she should be grateful that he was willing to bed her even though she might have been used goods.'  Cujo whined as Kuromaru snarled but said nothing as he leaped through a window and skidded to a stop infront of Tsume. "Kuromaru what the fuck?!" Tsume yelled in surprise. ' Forgive me m'lady but your son's are fixing to kill each other over naruko.' Kuromaru huffed as Tsume paled and nodded as she and her companion leaded out the window with Cujo bouncing around while holding some of Kuromaru's fur in his mouth to prevent from being thrown off.  It took only a moment for tsume to get to the classroom and she threw the door open just in time to see y/n slam a fist into Kiba's jaw knocking him back a good six steps. "Shut up kiba and keep naruko out of your fuckin mind!" Y/n yelled as kiba rubbed his jaw before he could retaliate tsume intervened. "Boys!" She not only get her son's attention but the rest of the class. "I'm sorry Iruka but because of this I'm pulling my boys from class today." Tsume said as Cujo leaped off of Kuromaru's back and ran up to y/n who knelt down and scratched behind his ears.

After a tense walk home tsume was sitting in front of y/n and kiba. "Mom he-" Kiba starts to say but tsume gave him a glare. "I know what started it Cujo ran all the way here to inform me and y/n good job defending her honor but kiba where did I go wrong with you? I have not played favorites with either of you three I love all three of you." Tsume says as she leans back as she looked at the ceiling with a defeated sigh. "I guess I have been putting this off but I'll name my heir as hana doesn't want it." Tsume said as she looked down to see her son's reactions as she expected y/n gave her his normal smile showing he would respect the decision, Kiba on the other hand had a cocky grin and a look of arrogance. "Drop that look kiba it's high time your behavior ends. Y/n from today on you are the inuzuka clan heir." Y/n nodded and stood up and walked over to the kitchen. "Mother I'll get you some tea and a stuff drink." Tsume nodded and looked at her most rebellious son who was snarling in rage. " Mom why a weak omega like him!?" Kiba yelled as tsume sighed. "Because y/n as not being out damaging the clan's reputation like you have and he actively seeks out further training and is humble about it." Tsume says while forcing back a sob but kiba didn't notice. "Still mom why him!" Kiba yelled as tsume snapped back. "Because your brother is going a round and fuckin every girl he sees and because of that kiba it is time for a punishment!" Tsume yelled as she stood up still holding out some hope for her son. "Fuck the punishment I'm a alpha and a deserve that clan heir status!" Kiba yelled as he jumped up which enough force to throw the table into tsume making her step back to avoid it coming down on her. In that brief second took it as a opening and lunged at his mother as she had a look of pure heart ache only to see y/n shot past her slammed the pommel of his sai into kiba knocking him to the ground as y/n knelt on him with the blades of the sai against his throat.

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