chapter 4

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Y/n and naruko got back in their seats with naruko beaming while hugging y/n's arm while y/n was blushing as Iruka just told was giving a speech before announced that they had past and that Sasuke and y/n tied for rookie of the year while Sakura made kunochi of the year as the teams were announced people only half listened. "Team 7 will be Sasuke Uchiha, Sakura Haruno and naruko uzumaki your jonin sensei will kakashi hatake." Sakura squealed and as started fawning over the last Uchiha but was shock when naruko whined. "Aw damnit I wanted to be on a team with y/n-kun!" Sakura turned and glared at naruko. "Sasuke-kun is way better!!" Sakura screeched as naruko waved her off. "If you want the brooding emotionless cum stain of the Uchiha then all the power to ya dattabayo. Y/n-kun is way better as he actually has a personality and is kind to people dattabayo." Naruko said with a grin before Sakura could say anything Iruka yelled to be quiet as he continued with the teams y/n frowned in confusion before raising his hand. "Iruka-sensei you didn't call my name even though I passed." Y/n said as Iruka nod just then a man wear a anbu mask appeared beside Iruka. "Y/n Inuzuka you have been scouted by the anbu black ops please leave you animal companion with someone you trust and come with me." The man said as everyone was in shock as it is rare for a genin to be scouted.

Y/n turned to naruko and stood. "Can you watch Cujo for me if you want talk to big sister and she will help you learn combination arts with him." Y/n side as he gave her a kiss on the forehead before walking towards the anbu who placed his hand on his shoulder and they vanished in a flicker. "Why was he picked for anbu and not me!" Sasuke yelled as Iruka sighed. "I don't know that is lord hokage's decision Sasuke Uchiha but your sensei's will be hear shortly." Iruka says as he left the room.

Y/n followed the anbu long a dark hallway before it opened up to a massive field

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Y/n followed the anbu long a dark hallway before it opened up to a massive field. "Ok y/n since right now I'm the only captain without a squad and since hokage-sama is in the process of looking for the rest of our team I'll get you in to shape what say you." The captin said as y/n grinned. "Let's do it captain."

Timeskip 2 months

Y/n completed his basic training extremely quickly so much so that his soon to be captain was impressed

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Y/n completed his basic training extremely quickly so much so that his soon to be captain was impressed. Y/n was actually select to fill a roll in team who had lost a member right after y/n got his anbu mark he picked out the wolf mask and meet up with his new team. When y/n walked up to the meeting room y/n saw a man with a lion mask, a man with a bird mask and a woman with a cat mask and purple hair who had a sword strapped to her back. "Welcome to team Ro wolf I'm your squad captain." Loin said as y/n nodded. "Good to be here captain although I thought to join anbu I had to be chunin?" Wolf asked as Bird nodded. "Yes but for some reason hokage-sama believes your ready so we can't object." Bird said as wolf nodded and adjusts the sai's on his belt. "So do I need to report to hokage-sama to check in?" Wolf asked as cat nodded. "Yes I'll come with you." Cat said as both she and wolf shunsined out of the room only to reappear kneeling before the hokage. "Hokage-sama Wolf reporting for check in." Wolf said as hiruzen looked at wolf. "Good and I'm surprised that you completed training this quickly but I trust my faith in your ability is well found as such until the chunin you will be a chunin in name but you will still need to take it to be official." Wolf nodded as a poof of smoke appeared on the desk right when wolf and cat reached for their weapons to spot a ninja dog holding a scroll

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