episode 5 - no soul

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At the top of the building, next to a gargoyle, I carefully observe the action of the gang of the Hood.

At the top of the building, next to a gargoyle, I carefully observe the action of the gang of the Hood

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Their standards have been assaults on prototypes of untested weapons and invasions. They must steal, and sell for a high price. These weapons in the wrong hands can cause damage, and I'm sure they don't care who buys all this.

They invade the building, silently, but not for me. They dominate everything and set up a guard on the high floors of the building. The weapons are in a safe, it will take about 5 minutes to open it, I'll have to be faster than that.

An armed guard wears a red mask, a black jacket with jeans, this is the pattern of their clothes, except for the leader, who is more flashy.

There is a large window open, if I'm quick, I can pass by without being noticed by the guard. I throw my arpel on the wall of the building, I push myself and I'm throwing it out the window into the place. I keep my equipment in my belt, I keep my senses on, lurking. I advance through the rooms and arrive in another, three Hoods Reds, I need to knock them down without a notice the other one.

On the sides, I advance until I reach one of them that is distracted. I hold him by the neck and after him with a reassuring on his neck. I drag his body behind a cabin, leaving him under the table. I'll shot a little boomerang that dops one of them. I'm quick to get to the third and grab him, I press with my fingers specific nerve points on his neck, and he loses consciousness. Hiding their bodies, advancing towards the safe.


In the safe room, where the weapons are guards, there are several crates covered by cloths, but none is as important as what is behind the safe. Prototypes of technological weapons, new technology is worth a lot on the black market... Well, that's the obvious.

One of the men is in the process of opening the thick steel door, he uses equipment to hear the locks of the safe make their snaps, indicating that a number of the full numbering has been hit.

-Can't you walk faster?!—one of the armed asks, clearly nervous—he must already be here!—says almost like a whisper.

-Are you afraid?—the leader who was sitting in the shadows before, I left them letting go of the question.

-Are you afraid?—the leader who was sitting in the shadows before, I left them letting go of the question

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