episode 7 - your nightmare

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In the docks, in the darkness of the night illuminated by yellow lights of the lamps, a group of Falcone men prepares the loading of drugs, all the men are making rounds through the containers of the place, attentive and looking for any sign of the Batman.

Flass is in charge of the command, negotiating everything. He hands the money to a man, who will be the commander who will take the drugs outside the city limits. The form of transport chosen was a container transport ship from technological companies and medical supplies, because it is where it will draw the least attention and no questions will be asked.

-All stay tuned! He should appear at any time —says Flass on the radio.

The weapons are heavy and powerful, along with brute men hired for the team. In one of the corridors formed by containers, two armed men make their rounds while talking.

-I never thought he was real, he looked more like an urban legend.

-But it's real, I've seen it! He looks like a demon, who comes and takes people's souls.

-Hahah, what an exaggeration. He's just a man for what I heard the boss speak, and if he's a man, he can be killed.

-We are excited to hit the target.

Without being detected, at the top, like a ghost, is he, watching the movement of the criminals.

Returning to the two men from before, the lamps that illuminate your corridor begin to have their windows exploded, one by one

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Returning to the two men from before, the lamps that illuminate your corridor begin to have their windows exploded, one by one. A metal noise is heard, one of them sees something on the floor and approaches picking up the object, in the shape of a bat.

- Shit...

-AHHHH!!! —your partner is pulled up, disappearing in the darkness of the night.

-Damn!—drop the object and start running, screaming desperately—HE IS HERE!! HE IS HERE!! THE BATMAN IS HERE!!!

He runs following the corridors, without realizing that a shadow is chasing him. Upon arriving at the center where Flass is, a figure takes him screaming for help.

-Fucking shit! EVERYONE, GET READY!—Flass screams in the fast — come here, protect the cargo!

Following the order, all men gather in one place, pointing their weapons up.

-He's here! When you see it, put a bullet mercilessly! Did you hear?!

Everyone has their nerves on their skin, with sweat running down their foreheads...

Something is thrown on the ground and catches their attention, they are small black spheres that rotate to the middle of them. They start beeping with a small red light on them blinking. Suddenly, they explode in a cloud of smoke, leaving the criminals without vision.

- shit!

A shadow lands in the middle of them and begins to knock them down and the shots are useless, even hitting their own group. The smell of fear emanates from them, from despair... And the Batman feels that.

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