Chapter 12

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"Y/N, look up here, freak!" I heard from behind me.

I shook my head and tried to pay attention to the game.

"Don't listen to them." Tom said to me.

He placed his hand on my leg to stop it from bouncing.

"I just wanna go home. I can't play out here." I said to him.

"Look! We got the fucking video of Rico Flores fucking your girl right here!" One of the students shouted.

I covered my ears with my hands. All I could think about was that fucking video. The fucking video that ruined my life for over a year.

"I can't do this." I said as I looked at Tom.

"Yes, you can. You got this." He said.

I looked at the field, and Notre Dame was getting ready to punt the ball. That meant the score was still zero to seven. We were winning of course.

Coach called me into the game, and I was boo'd as I stood up. I walked on to the field. Justin passed me as he went to talk to Coach.

"What's wrong?" He asked as he grabbed my arm.

"Nothing." I said as I snatched away.

I walked to the offensive side. I saw Tom and Justin coming towards me. The three of us and the rest of our offense got into a huddle.

"Coach wants to run, Y/N. Y/N, can you do that?" Tom said.

"Yeah I'm fine." I said.

"You sure?" Justin asked.

"I'm fine!" I snapped.

"Okay, we'll run a slant." Tom said.

We broke apart and lined up.

"You seen the video yet?" Tyson Ford said as he lined up across from me.

"Fuck you." I whispered.

"What? You don't wanna see it?" He asked.

"Hike!" Tom called.

I ran into Tyson and pushed past him. I ran left then ran right at a slant and turned for Tom. He threw the ball. I jumped up and caught the ball before I felt multiple people tackle me. Falling down, I tried to catch myself, and I fell awkwardly on my ankle. I was tackled to the ground, and I lost the ball. 

I saw one of Notre Dame's safeties grab the ball and run off with it. One of our tackles stopped him, but they still had the ball. I rolled over on my stomach and slammed my hands on the ground.

"Come on, get up." I heard Justin say.

I slowly stood up and shook off my ankle. I winced as soon as I tried to put pressure on it to walk off of the field.

"Fuck." I said.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"I'm fine." I told him.

"Stop being an asshole." Justin said as he grabbed my arm and put it over his shoulder.

I limped off of the field and sat down on the bench. Coach Riley and David Jack, the athletic trainer, came over to me.

"What's wrong, Baby Holland?" David asked.

"It's my ankle. I'm fine. I just landed on it wrong." I said.

David grabbed my foot and moved it around. I winced and pushed him away.

"You're not playing the rest of the game." Coach Riley said.

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