Chapter 20

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"Okay, what are we doing today? Tell me so I know you know." Ariana said.

"I know." I said.

"Then tell me." She said.

"We're gonna...take pictures? I don't know all I know is I have a game at eight." I said.

"You're fucking eighteen. You don't know your daily schedule?" Ariana said.

I was sitting in the kitchen eating my second breakfast.

"It's hard for me to remember things, Ariana." I said.

"Okay, I'm sorry for getting upset. Hormones." She said.

"It's okay. Sorry I forget things. Concussions." I said.

"So you're going to pick up the engagement ring in thirty minutes, then we're taking our engagement pictures at twelve. At three we have cake testing. We have a meeting at five for an hour with the wedding planner, and then you go to your game." Ariana said.

"Okay." I said.

"And we leave right after your game for our flight." She said.

"Sounds good to me." I said.

Ariana wanted to go home to visit her family for Christmas, so she invited me to come for when she tells her family about the baby and the marriage. We were staying until Christmas Eve then coming home to be with my family for Christmas Day.

"Are you packed?" She asked.

"Yes, I'm packed." I said.

"No you're not." Ariana said.

"I'm not, but I will." I said.

"Don't piss me off." She said.

"Okay, I'm sorry. I will pack as soon as I can. And I also want to apologize for not being able to give you a proper engagement. I know you wanted a big engagement and a big wedding. At least you get a big wedding." I said.

"It's okay. I'm okay with having a small engagement." Ariana said.

"You sure?" I asked.

"I'm positive." Ariana said. "I have to go get ready."

"Alright, I'll see you later." I said.

Ariana walked over and kissed me on the cheek.

"See you later." She said.

I felt bad lying to Ariana about the engagement. She thought we were just going to some random farm to take engagement pictures. But I had planned something big for her. I knew she always wanted a big engagement, and I was very grateful that she agreed to marry me, so I wanted to give her the best engagement I could.


"She's coming!" Justin yelled.

"Let's go. It's time, people!" I said.

The string players started the music. There were two sides of string players with an isle down the middle. I was standing at the end of the isle.

We were in the Angels stadium. There were floral arrangements all over the field. The LED screen had 'Will You Marry Me?' in big writing.

Victoria and Zendaya guided Ariana into the stadium with her blindfold still on. Celine Dion started to sing 'My Heart Will Go On'.

"Is that fucking Celine Dion?" Ariana shouted as she ripped her blindfold off.

She gasped and covered her mouth. Ariana ran down the isle to me. She hugged me, and I hugged her back.

Best Mistake (Ariana Grande/You)Where stories live. Discover now