Chapter 8

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Barry was now at CCPD, after being late due to getting stuck in the Jitters line. He was trying to go about his usual routine, hoping it would help him not dwell too much on losing his speed. But the truth was, it only made everything worse, as everything he did in his job involved his speed.

On his desk was a large pile of cases, while Barry tried to solve the first one he picked from the stack. As he was working on the case, he accidentally knocked his coffee cup off the table, shattering it into pieces.

"Well, isn't that wonderful," Barry said sarcastically.

Eliza arrived at Barry's lab, seeing what was happening, and then looked at Barry with sympathy.

"It's not that bad, at least you don't have to eat an extra ten thousand calories a day," Eliza said, trying to lighten the mood, but Barry just looked at her. "Sorry."

"It's okay. It's just... It's kind of weird, I used to do everything using my speed, and now..." Barry stopped himself from saying more.

"You feel like you've lost an important part of yourself," Eliza said, and Barry nodded. "To me, with or without your speed, you're still the Flash, Barry, the person who helps and saves anyone, no matter who they are. You don't give up on anyone, not even me."

"Thank you, Eliza. You're an amazing person and a great friend too," Barry said, smiling at her. Eliza couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement and butterflies in her stomach, her smile growing wider.

Barry felt the same sensation every time he saw Eliza, his heart racing even faster.

"So, why are you here? Not that I'm complaining, but I thought you were at Mercury Labs now," Barry said, curiosity evident on his face.

"Actually, it's my day off, and I wanted to stop by and see how you were doing before heading to Star Labs. Plus, I brought a little snack for both of us," Eliza said, showing him a paper bag from Big Belly Burger and two coffees from Jitters.

"You can brighten anyone's day," Barry chuckled slightly, and Eliza smiled at him, drawing closer.


"So, what's it like getting struck by lightning? You know, what did it feel like, did it hurt? Oh, forget it, it must have hurt, but still, what was it like?" Eliza asked, and Barry looked at her.

"I don't really know what happened. One minute, I was trying to close the skylight, and the next, I was in darkness. There wasn't much time to feel anything," Barry said as he took a sip of his coffee.

"I've always wondered. Is it as intense as they say?" Eliza asked, taking a sip of her own coffee.

"Yes, it's quite intense, but it's also like feeling a pulsating energy in your body, like electricity," Barry explained to her.

"Wow, it must be amazing," Eliza said, amazed.

"Well, you've had a similar sensation, haven't you?" Barry asked.

"That was artificial, and it made me a completely different person, so no," Eliza quickly shook her head.

Barry nodded, and then something crossed his mind, making him curious.

"Eliza, can I ask you something personal?" Barry asked.

"Well, as long as it's not about my weight," Eliza joked a bit, straightening up in her chair. "Go ahead."

"Your parents, you don't usually talk much about them," Barry said to her.

"It's a complicated story," Eliza said, sighing a little, and Barry could sense that it was a sensitive topic for her.

Beliza/TrajecFlash: Crazy for YouWhere stories live. Discover now