Chapter 10

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Barry and Eliza found themselves engulfed in a storm, looking around confused by what was happening.


When Barry and Eliza woke up, they found themselves in what seemed to be a blend of Barry and Eliza's childhood home, back in their respective rooms. On the table, they saw a children's book that Barry's mother used to read to him, along with some books that Eliza also had when they were young.

"Barry, what's going on? Where are we?" Eliza asked, confused and a little frightened as she saw the books her parents used to read to her.

Barry was perplexed and shook his head, wondering what was happening. Both hesitantly descended the stairs and saw the crime scene tape in the room where Nora had died, and they were bewildered to see Joe, wearing a police uniform. "Joe?"

"Good to see you, Barry, Eliza," 'Joe' smiled. "But I'm not Joe."

"You're not?" Eliza was confused, as was Barry.

"No," 'Joe' shook his head.

"And all this?" Barry looked around the destroyed room. "Isn't real?"

"How do you feel being back here?" 'Joe' asked.

Barry held his chest, feeling the pain and trauma returning. "I feel terrible." Eliza immediately held his hand to comfort him.

'Joe' stepped past the tape towards Barry and Eliza. "We thought you'd be more comfortable talking to someone who seemed familiar to you and in a place you knew, and also comfortable for her." 'Joe' gestured towards Eliza.

"'We'? Who are 'we', exactly?" Barry asked.

"That's a bit hard to explain," 'Joe' said. "Sit down, Barry, you too, Eliza." Barry was confused as 'Joe' smiled, he looked at Eliza who shrugged and sat down in the chair with Eliza beside him. "Sit. How much do you know about the Speed Force?"

"It's the source of my power. It's what makes me a speedster," Barry said simply.

"Yes and no," 'Joe' said, much to Barry's confusion. "When the first subatomic particle emerged from the Big Bang to form reality as you know it, we were there. When the last proton decays, stops vibrating, and plunges the universe into heat death, we'll be there too."

"Wait, are we talking to the Speed Force?" Eliza asked, incredulous. "Isn't that like saying I'm talking to gravity or light or..." She paused and stood up, processing as 'Joe' chuckled.

"You need a minute. That's okay if you do. It's a lot to take in," 'Joe' said to them.

"So you're saying we're... we're talking to the source of my power, which happens to look like... my adoptive father?" Barry asked as 'Joe' nodded. "That's mind-blowing."

"That's insane, but also incredible, we're talking to an interdimensional force that was at the beginning of the universe," Eliza said completely shocked.

'Joe' laughed. "We pretty much invented the trippy here."

"Look, I... I don't know why you brought us here, but you need to send us back. Our friends are in danger because of Zoom," Barry said. He then heard a noise as he saw a shadow outside the window pass by. "Did you see that?"

Barry turned to 'Joe', who shook his head. "You're not going back. Not until..."

"Until what?" Barry asked.

'Joe' stood up as the door opened and pointed to it. "Until you understand this."

"What is that?" Eliza asked, but when she turned, 'Joe' had already disappeared, she and Barry sighed deeply.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19 ⏰

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