Chapter 3 Elf Nagging

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Chapter 3

I had the sudden urge to grab the wad of paper from the desk, roll it up, and hit Klovis with it repeatedly the moment we got back in the study. Not only was he fooling around, but now he is proposing that we fix the mirror where he literally got himself stuck and almost died inside of it.

In fact, I am holding a roll of paper and making menacing hand gestures with it as I chase Klovis around the room.

"What nonsense are you on about in trying to fix the mirror!? Do you want to get yourself stuck in there again!? Get back here so I can pound some sense into you!" Jade is gently trying to move me away from Klovis, while his master is moving so that his oak desk stands between us.

"Livia, put the papers down!" He tries to act brave and even points a finger at me like he is giving me a command. I raise a brow, daring him to speak and repeat those words with the same tone to me. "P-Please?" He adds softly after getting the message from my look.

"Since you asked so kindly, I will let you off with one hit." I bargained before hurriedly moving around the table to chase him. Klovis begins to run and lets out a scream when his pinky toe hits the edge of the table.

He lets out a slur of curses in fairy language and jumps on one foot. Of course, I had to pause and laugh at him because he looked so funny at that moment. I see Klovis glaring at me, and that moment of distraction caused him to lose his balance and trip. Unfortunately, the direction in which he was falling was towards me.

As a fairy who is over six feet tall, it's no wonder that I was crushed under his weight.

As if the god of cliché was planning this, Grignel took that moment to open the door and come inside.

"Your highness, the materials that you asked me to bring are—" The elf stops by the doorway as his eyes land on what could possibly me a huge misunderstanding position that Klovis and I are now in. I am on the floor while Klovis is balancing himself on his arms in an attempt not to crush me under his weight. One can only imagine what the other is thinking after seeing a girl pinned under a guy.

I could not count the seconds befalling the three of us in the room while waiting for someone to break the silence.

Grignel has decided, in that moment, to be the first one to speak after coughing. "It appears that I have caught you at a difficult time. Pardon me. Please continue."

"Grignel, it's not—"

"You're mistaken—!"

We were talking at the same time, and our words must have sounded more like ramblings than anything that Grignel could even decipher.

Fine. It seems like I have to go and yell something that will catch his attention.

"Klovis wants to fix the mirror!"

Klovis and Grignel gasp at the same time.

"Livia!" Klovis hushly whispers my name, worriedly, for telling Grignel. "You traitor!"

"What did you say?" Grignel's face pales before he fixes a glare at Klovis. He makes his way towards us in such a menacing manner that even though I am not the one reciprocating his aura, I can't help but shiver. Klovis moves away from me and crawls backward until his back hits the wall, cowering with fear at the death glare that the elf hands him. "Prince Klovis?" He tilts his head back and smiles in the most sadistic way.



When it is just the two of them, I often notice that Grignel is more authoritative than Klovis. This makes me wonder who is in charge.

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