Chapter 16 The Egg

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Chapter 16 

I had a dream. I couldn't remember them in detail but they were weird. I remember some weird fairy runes appearing. There's a majestic fairy in my dreams, golden skin that seems to glimmer with every movement. His wings were white and pristine, making him look more like an angel than a fairy. His long golden locks were almost cascading down his back. When the fairy looks behind me, I see him smiling at a dark haired woman—a human?

I thought I was mistaken when I saw a human with the fairy, but I am pretty sure that she's a human. From her wardrobe alone, I can imagine that she was from a long time ago, perhaps way back during the Victorian era.

I watch their interaction and can't help but wonder if they are lovers from the way that they hold each other. I wanted to listen to their conversation, but I couldn't hear anything. I try to get closer, but I don't seem to be moving at all. In fact, the more I try to chase after them, the farther they seem to be going. The scene starts to stretch and stretch until I can no longer see them.


I wake up feeling cold. I am shivering all over. My clothes and body are wet. I have no recollection of how I ended up in this state, but for now, all I am trying to focus on is keeping myself warm.

"You're awake?" I feel a warm blanket being draped over my body and I turn to see Klovis. He's shirtless, making me see his finely built muscles right in front of me. In a hurry, I turn back, fixating my attention on the fire that I just now noticed.

"Yeah." I start to clear my throat when it comes out hoarse the first time. "Yeah, yeah. Where are we?" I look around. It seems like we are on a small island, kind of like the first time that we've been here. The only thing that's different is that the gate is on the same plane as us.

"We're still on the third stage." Klovis answers me. "As you can see, we miraculously made it alive."

I started to remember what happened before I passed out. The mermaid and her peculiar sea creature capture us and hang us in the air. Klovis and Jade turned to stone and so did I. The last thing that I remembered was seeing Dadi's feather before I woke up and we got here.

"Are you okay? What about Jade!? You guys turned to stone!" I feel like my mind is a mess. I could not think clearly about which question I should prioritize. "What happened!?" I look up at Klovis, pulling his shirt close to me while I wait for him to answer. "How are we even alive?" The last question was more to myself than to him. I am definitely sure that I turned to stone and yet, here I am—here we are—moving!

"I'm fine. Jade's fine. In fact, he's been lying beside you this whole time." He points to Jade, who has been snuggling my leg this entire time. I didn't even notice him! Still, it is a relief to find him here. Jade looks up and purrs, nuzzling his head against my cheek. "As for what happened, I have no clue. When I woke up, we were on this island—you, me, Jade, and that egg."

"Egg? What egg?"

"The one by Jade's feet."

My attention immediately diverts to the ostrich sized egg by Jade's feet. It has a very angry red color that makes me wonder if it is a real egg or one of those Easter plastic eggs.

"I didn't know Jade could lay eggs." I give Klovis a questioning look. "But isn't Jade a male? Is this like a seahorse phenomenon?"

"Livia, the egg didn't come from Jade."



"...did it come from you?"

"Livia, what the fuck?" He gives me a disturbed look.

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