Chapter 8 Brick Road

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Chapter 8 

"We are in the human world, right?" I look at the whole forest around us. They're the normal kind that I'm used to. Even the smell of the vegetation is the same as I remember it. It all feels so familiar and nostalgic that all I can do is gawk.

This feels like a dream.

"We're not." Klovis, the breaker of dreams and delusions, says. "We're still in the fairy realm. This is the second stage of the test."

I shot him an annoyed glare. "You could have at least let me enjoy my little delusion a little more."

Klovis shrugs. "What? You asked!"

"Whatever." I sigh in disappointment. So much for dreaming of returning to the human realm. I shook my head and decided to focus on the glowing white road before us in the middle of the forest. Strange. I did not even notice this before. "Klovis, you mentioned that every floor has a rule, right?"

"So what is this floor's rule?"

Klovis checks his arm, frowning as he reads the inscription on it. "Don't stray from the path."

"That's it?" I stare at him, waiting for him to continue in case there are any more.

"That's it." Klovis says, furrowing his brows before looking at the brick road that we are currently standing on. "We just have to follow this road in order to get to the next level."

"That sounds easy enough." The words leave my lips before I can stop them. I quickly cover my mouth before Klovis gives me a look.

"Woman, you just jinxed us." He lets out an exasperated sigh, already knowing to expect something from this challenge.

"Hey, I know you would have said it if I hadn't!"

"Fair enough."

Jade purrs, turning into his smaller form and jumping into Klovis's arms before falling to sleep. Klovis smiles and begins to slowly pet Jade's head. "Sleep well, bud."

I have to say that I am slightly envious that Jade chose to sleep in his arms instead of mine, but I guess Klovis is still technically his master and owner.

"I guess we should get a move on if we want to reach the next floor." I suggested.

Together, Klovis and I start to walk along the brick path. We stayed silent and made sure that we were looking around us in case something would pop out of nowhere and attack us, or rather, chase us. I start to shiver the moment I remember Mirror Klovis 2.0 back on the first floor. It was creepy and frightening. I believe that if I ever get any nightmares, it will be about that mirror monster from now on.

I started to feel something strange. There's a bubbling feeling inside of me, and I start to feel angry and irritated for some reason. Everything began to enrage me, and I could not control myself.

"These damn challenges are stupid!" I suddenly burst out. "Who the f*ck made these!? Why bricks paths!? We're not DOROTHY! Show me who made this rule and I will f*cking throw the bricks on their heads so they'll get better and original ideas!" I hear a frightened wince beside me and see Klovis shivering in fear. Seeing him look at me with such a frightened gaze made me angry. "What? WHAT!? WHY ARE YOU SHIVERING!?"

"Y-You're...You're scaring me." He stutters, and I swear I see him tear up a little as he hugs Jade, who is still sleeping in his arms.

"WASN'T THIS YOUR IDEA!? AND WHY ARE YOU WALKING SO SLOW!? WALK. WALK I SAY!" I suddenly noticed something glowing on his forehead. I reach out and move his bangs to see glowing fairy patterns on them. "Coward!?" I read, raising my brow and looking at Klovis, who is shivering from my touch. "Why do you have a lame word on your forehead!?"

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