Chapter 9 Goofy

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Chapter 9 

"This is your fault. Your fault, you stinking bird!" The bird in question is already unconscious, and yet I am still screaming at it. The mark of anger plays a huge part in my crazed behavior.

"Livia, can you not...murder the bird?" The fact that Klovis is desperately trying to cover his fear despite having the mark of a coward on his forehead. He grabs the brick that I still have on my hands that I used to threaten Goliath.

I turn to Klovis with a sinister smile spreading across my lips. "Klovis, what did we talk about earlier?"

Klovis withdraws his hands and fiddles with his fingers nervously before answering me. "Don't tell you what to do?"


"But, Livia, can't we just focus on retracing our steps instead? Otherwise, we won't be able to find the sap to fix the mirror and get you home." I have to commend him for having the courage to say all that to me after getting a warning.

I managed to push my anger back, knowing that Klovis has a point in saying that. I handed him the brick, but not the bird. I still hate it enough that I want to kill it.

"Fine." I grumble, grabbing a vine and tying the unconscious bird behind my back. I meet Klovis's puzzling gaze as I strap Goliath to my back. "Goliath is our emergency food. As long as I don't kill him, you're not going to complain, are you?"


"Good, because if you kept nagging at me, I was just considering using you as my emergency food."

"What!? You—you can't do that."

"Oh yes, I can. Obviously sprinkled with some fresh cilantro." I am clearly joking about the spice, but Klovis does not appear to have gotten the joke since he has kept his distance from me.

Klovis and I tried to retrace our steps, trying to find the brick road, but it doesn't matter how far we go. All we see is the same forest with muddy ground all over. Having the sign of 'anger' on my forehead isn't helping either because the situation is ticking me off and I cannot think clearly.

"Klovis!" I whirl around to my fairy friend, who immediately stiffens and takes a step back in fear while holding on to Jade tightly along with the brick, which he hasn't thrown away.


"Can't you do something here?"


"Use your magic!"

Seeing him take a deep breath causes me to arch a brow in anticipation of his response. "I can't." He says it cautiously, stealing a glance in my direction to check my expression. "I—I tried it before but it seems like my magic doesn't work here..." I feel anger seeping in. Klovis must have caught the sudden change in my mood because he started to cower.


"Eek! I'm sorry!"

"That does it!" I march towards a tree and start to make some poor attempts at climbing. I have no problem climbing trees back in the human realm, but it seems like the trees in this realm, or reality, are different even though they look alike. The trunks here are slippery and almost smooth! "DANG IT!"

"W—What are you doing?" Klovis's voice shakes as he asks me nervously.

"Oh, don't mind me. I am just looking forward to hurting myself over and over again by falling and flirting with the tree." The sarcasm flows out of my mouth, controlled by anger. "WHAT DOES IT LOOK LIKE I AM DOING!? I AM TRYING TO CLIMB THIS DAMN TREE SO I CAN LOOK AROUND AND CHECK FOR THE BRICK ROAD!"


"QUIET!" I scream, getting up for the nth time, and toss Goliath on the ground before beckoning Klovis to come close. "Come here and make yourself useful and give me a boost!"

"O-Okay!" He nods hastily, setting a sleeping Jade beside an unconscious Goliath.

Klovis is taller than me, so he has to lower himself to the ground so I can climb on his shoulder. I even used his horns to balance myself.

"If you drop me, you know what's coming for you, right?" Klovis didn't respond, but I did feel his shoulder tensing up. I figured I should stop talking soon, or I might really make him nervous enough that he'd drop me. Klovis has given me enough leverage that I managed to jump up, reach one of the lower branches, and pull myself up. I start to look up, trying to spot the nearest branch that I can grab and climb. I continued the process as much as I could to climb higher. I grumble under my breath when I can't climb any higher without the risk of falling down. Turning around, I scan my surroundings, hoping that I have covered enough height to spot the bridge from where I am.

Drag! The other trees are covering my view!

I squinted my eyes to focus a little harder. I just need to try to see if I can spot a sign on the road. Nothing. There's no sign of the damn road!

"Livia! Livia!" Klovis was calling my name in a panic, but I ignored him. That coward must be afraid of the grass again. For a male fairie of his size, he sure is a scaredy cat. All those muscles on him are wasted.

I try to focus on my task, but it is getting harder for me to do so, especially with a certain fairy below that's constantly bugging me.

"Behind you! BEHIND YOU!"

It seems like Klovis is saying something before; from where I am standing, it sounds like gibberish. He sounds so frantic that I decided to look down and check up on him.

"What do you want!? I don't have a cookie!" I screech, looking down and shaking my fist threateningly at him. Klovis is waving frantically at me, pointing at me with a terrified look. The terrified look isn't new to me, but if he is implying that my face is scary, then we have another problem. "IF YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY TO MY FACE, THEN YOU BETTER BE PREPARED TO—"
"TURN.AROUND!" It's the first time that he raises his voice. For a moment, I thought that he must have broken out of whatever magic is turning him into a scared pick me girl, but one look in his eyes tells me otherwise. It finally clicked in my mind that he was not pointing at me, but rather at something I did not notice.

I heard a strange purr coming from somewhere above before I felt the hot drip of a liquid on my head. I tapped my head and almost felt disgusted when I brought the transparent liquid in front of me. I made a disgusted face before human reasoning made me look up. A purple, crazed looking feline creature stares at me with yellow, glowing eyes. A huge clownish grin spreads across its face as it hunches its purple, tiger-like body with black stripes, ready to attack.

And if that wasn't scary enough, the strange creature lets out an outrageously ridiculous laugh that makes my skin crawl.

"HEUK HEUK HEUK HEUK!" The creature laughs.

It was at that moment that I decided that I would call that creature Goofy.

*~*~*~*~END OF CHAPTER~*~*~*~*

I feel like this dark romance novel is turning into a comedy romance sort genre. lol. Sorry about that.😂

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