Chapter 10 The Bird and The Purple Tiger

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Chapter 10 

The pungent scent comes from Goofy when he lands on the same branch that I am standing on. I lost my balance and fell on my backside before I managed to look up and see the purple tiger-like creature looming over me. The grin on its face is more disturbing than the fact that Goofy is here with me, ready to attack.

In a more rational state of mind, I might have given in to my fear at this point, but my anger has taken over my emotions, and I have done something I would have never done otherwise. I punched the creature, which paralyzed it more from shock than pain. Even I would feel the same if I weren't overrun by anger.

"You damn disgusting slob!" As if punching it wasn't enough, my current self had to yell at it. "Ever heard of hygiene!? Your breath stinks!"

I'm dead. I just know it.

The moment I see the rage in Goofy's red eyes, I know that I am screwed.

"Livia, jump!" From far below, I can make out Klovis yelling at me.

"Do you want me to die that much!?" I reply without taking my eyes off Goofy, knowing that doing so would significantly diminish my chances of survival.

"I'll catch you. Don't worry!"

With the current Klovis, I don't think that I should be trusting him. Hell, I don't even think that I would trust him with a toothpick! Unfortunately, as Goofy, the purple joker tiger, made a move towards me, I decided that I would gamble my life on Klovis. The thing about having anger as your main emotion is that you are not even the least bit afraid of falling. I did not even blink as I fell from the height I was at. My arms were even crossed when Klovis caught me, as if I was already preparing for the worst outcome.

I raised a brow when our gazes met, a little surprised at the outcome of my fall. "That was a pretty bold suggestion. With your current cursed forehead, I thought that you would be too afraid to do anything."

"But I was scared!" His tone comes out defensively. "I was afraid that the creature would get to you." He mumbles softly before putting me back on my feet.

And that line right there can make any Wattpad story eligible for cliche romances.

I pretended not to hear the last part and decided to look up and see how our purple friend was doing. Goofy is slowly making his way down the tree, giving off that disturbing laugh as he does.

"Heuk heuk heuk!" I don't know if that's how it sounds or if it is its laugh, but it is getting so damn annoying! I was almost tempted to run back to the creature and pull its tongue out. Better yet, I'd get its tonsils so I can check why it's making that sound.

"Alright, Klovis. It's you and me versus Goofy." I roll up my sleeves, preparing myself to fight the creature even though I basically have close to zero experience when it comes to combat. "You take the back and I'll—"

"NO!" Klovis shoves something in my arms, and I turn to see that it's Jade, the brick, and Goliath. Even before I have time to wonder why on earth he would hand me Jade, Goliath, and the brick, Klovis is already picking me up and running away with me like our lives depend on it.

"Just say if you want me to kill you instead, Klovis." I keep my voice as low as I can while giving the fairy prince the evil eye. I even threatened to show him the brick. "Just say the word, your highness."

"We can't fight that thing!"

"Why on fairydom not?!"

"Because it is too creepy and scary! Did you hear the sound that it makes!?"

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