Chapter 22 ME

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Chapter 22 

We are still in this mysterious mist that's showing us images of Joanah and the fairy known as Kvahein. As far as I know, that name belongs to the first fairy, as Klovis said before. However, it is more than that. Back in the Unseelie Palace, Grignel told me briefly about the history of fairy. According to what he said, Kvahein is more than just a fairy. He has the blood of a god, which makes him powerful enough to create a whole new world that separates humans from fairies.

However, I don't know of anyone named Joanah, but it seems like she is important seeing as how she is acquainted with Kvahein.

"Joanah." Kvahein's voice is gentle and soothing. The kind of voice that would belong to a gentle person. I hadn't seen it before, but now I can clearly see that he has pale golden skin that's shyly covered with robes. Golden bangles adorn both of his wrists, which makes a sound when he reaches out a hand for Joanah to take. "Did you finish your project?"

Joanah chortles, taking hold of Kvahein's hand. "Not even half." Her legs begin to drip with wetness from playing with the lake. The hem of her robe sticks to her legs as soon as she is on her feet. "Do you know how hard it is to design the mirror?! You have a lot of demands, Kvahein!"

The mirror?

Klovis and I exchange a look. Surely she doesn't mean the fairy mirror?

"I'm sorry." Kvahein gives off a laugh, tilting his head slightly to the side, like he is trying to appease Joanah's anger. "I just want to create a world where the fairies can live peacefully."

"Still, creating the mirror as a medium for designing the realm parallel to the human realm; won't that make it complicated?" Joanah tucks a strand of her hair behind her ear and lets out a sigh. "The human realm has a concept of good and evil, unlike fairies. I am not trying to look down on my race, but the fairies are too pure. There's a chance that they would be affected by this change of environment."

There's a sad smile on Kvahein's lips when he responds to Joanah. "It's a risk that we should take. As the world is now, there's no way that one race would survive if we don't separate them." He grabs Joanah's free hand in one of his and brings it up to his lips for a kiss. "If only the two races could learn to understand and love each other like us, then there would be a chance."

I feel a gaze directed at me and I turn to see that Klovis has been staring at me.

"What?" I question him.

Klovis is quick to avert his gaze. "Nothing." He coughs into his fists. "It just occurred to me that they are talking about the birth of the Seelie and Unseelie Court."

I feel my gaze widening before returning my attention to Kvahein and Joanah, who are obviously lovers at this point. "That's true. It also seems like Joanah helped create the mirror. But how?"

I just voiced out my question, but then I saw her grabbing a stone on the ground. She carefully holds it in her hands and says a spell in fairy language. I see her silver eyes glowing along with the stone. Soon, the stone turns into a bird—Dadi.

"That's..." Klovis stutters in surprise. His eyes were shaking like he just figured out who Joanah is. "That woman. She's the first human to learn the fairy language and the only human who Kvahein shared his magic with."

I heard what Klovis said but there was something that bothered me. Joanah created Dadi. Not only that but she has silver eyes—eyes like mine. I remember how Dadi reacted when he first saw my eyes. I don't want to get ahead of myself, so I didn't say anything. I look down on Gem and Jade. Jade seems confused by what's happening, but Gem is looking at Joanah intently. If the egg was created from Dadi's feather, wouldn't that mean that there's a piece of Dadi inside of Gem?

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