Chapter 24 Beor's Gifts

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Chapter 24

I feel like I am drifting so far from reality. Upon waking up after getting swallowed by a tsunami of sap, I found myself in a garden wearing a dress—a light pink sundress made of flowers and leaves that still baffles me how they still don't fall off. Tiny pixies are washing and braiding my hair. I think that they are also adorning the curves of the braids with flowers.

"Joanah is so pretty."

"Joanah looks so young."

"Flowers look good on her. They always do!"

Colorful pixies begin to crowd me. Their optimistic voices ring in my ear, while their colorful and glowing wings almost blind me from how much they are crowding me.

"Can you all stop?" I duck out of the way when I see a couple of pixies trying to put a flower crown on my head. I got up from the flower bed that I was lying on, but I was immediately pushed back down by the pixies braiding my hair. "Urgh! I am not Joanah!" I exclaimed out of irritation. They keep calling me Joanah and it doesn't sit well with me. Admittedly, she and I do have almost similar features with the dark hair and silver eyes, but that's it. From the illusion we saw, I am taller than her!

The pixies all exchanged looks at one another. When they returned their gazes to me, it was almost like they pity me.

"She lies."

"She's confused."

"Joanah must have been cursed by the unseelie. Look. She has a mark."

I withdraw my hand quickly when one of them tries to touch the mark left by Klovis. "Don't touch that. It's mine." I don't know where I got that tidbit of possessiveness, but the idea of someone else touching the protection mark that Klovis gave me makes me mad. "Look closely at my face. I bear her resemblance but I am not Joanah! Listen to me!" I almost begged them in the last sentence because I wanted to leave. I wish to be where Klovis and the others are. They are surely worried about my sudden disappearance.

I wonder what they are doing now.

"So it seems like you aren't." A familiar voice rings, making me look up to see the same elk that brought me here. However, he wasn't just a figurehead anymore; he was the real deal. The elk has green fur, the same color as freshly grown grass. When it walks, the pixies will part and bow in respect.


"Lord Beor, something is wrong with Joanah."

Pixies. They are such adorable little creatures, but I am starting to hate them.

The stag looks at me with golden sap colored eyes. "You do look like Joanah." He says this and then tilts his head curiously. "And yet, it seems like you are not."

I let out a sigh. "Finally."

I like this Beor.

The elk gets closer and points his nose at my face. I smell lilies from his breathe. "You got her eyes. Your face resembles her, but Joanah is a little skinnier."

I take it back. I don't like Beor.

Planting a smile on my face, I move back. "If you figured out that I am not Joanah, can you let me leave?"

"No." Beor straightened up, puffing his chest but never moving his gaze from me. "You should stay, especially when the Unseelie Fae is after you."

This is crazy! I feel like I am going to blow up. It's like my opinion here doesn't matter!

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