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*Iofi POV*

I decided what I should do next. I need to go back and check out my ship and see if it's okay.

"Do you want to come with me to check my ship, Moona?" I asked

The purple-haired maiden thought about it. "No, it's fine," she stated, but she promised she would wait here for me when I'm ready to go with her, and with that, I walked back in the direction of my ship.

Going back into the forest, I immediately sensed something was off; it was too silent, and there was an unnerving sense of dread. I don't know why.

I made it through the forest and got to the field where my ship was. I walked around it quickly, inspecting everything. "Huh, odd," I said as I saw the ramp was down, but I wasn't notified that it was put down unless I forgot to put it back up, which is a possibility. I entered my ship and looked around inside but didn't see anything.

Nothing seemed out of the ordinary here, but I saw acorn scraps on the floor, so someone was in here. "Hello!" I called out, trying to see if anyone was here, but I got no answer.

This is concerning; maybe I should do a more thorough search. I ran around and looked at everything I possibly could but didn't see anything yet again. The only thing I didn't check were my documents, but I have them saved onto the ship, so it doesn't matter if they were lost, but they can't be taken.

I scratched my chin, perplexed by what was going on, when I was hit in the head by an acorn. I looked up at the ceiling of the UFO, and I saw the intruder.

The intruder was a brown-haired woman with a white dress that had brown stripes. She had a pink sweater over the dress, and she had a squirrel tail. She must be the person Moona told me about.

"Get down here!" I yelled at the woman; she sighed and began to crawl down the wall before landing next to me.

"Who are you?" She asked me, seemingly confused by my presence.

"Well, I should be saying the same to you!" I said

The brown-haired squirrel woman laughed, "Sorry for intruding, this is your ship, right?" She asked

"Yeah, it is," I claimed.

"To be honest, I thought the aliens were finally here to steal all the nuts off of Earth!" She joked, getting a chuckle out of me.

"What is your name?" I asked

"Oh, I'm Ayunda Risu, and you?"

"My name is Airani Iofi; it's a pleasure to meet you," I said.

Risu circled around me and took a good look at my butt. "Wow, you're caked up." She mentioned, much to my shock, that some creatures on this planet seem to like big butts for some reason. Very interesting.

"Your tail looks soft; can I stroke it?" I asked

"Maybe if I get to know you better," Risu replied.

This woman seemed like a funny person; however, I don't know how I feel about Risu as a whole; she is cute, but Moona is sexy. I'll need to think about it more.

"So you live with Moona, right?" I asked

"Yeah, you met Moona." Risu asked

"Yeah, she was super nice; she actually offered me to stay with you two!" I said

"Oh really?" Risu said she didn't even seem like she cared that an alien was going to be living with her. I actually like her attitude.

"Yes, I have to move my ship before I go back to her, however," I stated.

"Oh, I want to see it fly!" Risu said it like an energetic child.

I couldn't say no since she was already inside, so I just lifted the ramp back up and flew the ship a little further into the field where the grass was longer so it would conceal it more.

"Our place actually isn't too far from this field." Risu pointed out

"Really?" I questioned

"Yeah, only a small walk in that direction," Risu said while pointing east.

"Interesting, maybe I can keep my ship there or I can just keep it here," I mentioned.

"It doesn't really matter where the ship is kept; I don't think there is any real danger besides people being afraid of aliens," Risu stated.

"You don't seem afraid of me, though." I stated this in confusion.

"Well, Moona is a moon goddess, so why would I be afraid of a cute alien?" Risu asked

"C-cute?" I stuttered

"Yeah, you are adorable; is that something you should say on the first meeting?" Risu asked

"Well, on my planet, people don't really throw those words around much, so it's just odd to hear them," I said.

"Do they have a different meaning or something?" I was asked

"You can say something like that." I said nervously:

"Hey Iofi, would you want to go somewhere with me before meeting back up with Moona?" Risu asked

"What do you mean, where do you want to go?" I asked her

"It's a secret you'll see if you go." Risu teased

"I don't know because maybe I should go back to Moona; she is going to show me the house after all, and I shouldn't keep her waiting, right?" I asked

"Well, it'll only be like five minutes, and then you can go back to Moona. I mean, it's okay, I can just go alone," Risu said.

"Well, now I feel bad." I sighed

"It's not a big deal; it's just a small errand. I can go on my own; it'll just be really lonely since Moona refuses to go with me." Risu calmly stated

"Well, what is it?" I questioned again.

"I-It's complicated..." Risu said it kind of somberly.

Now I don't know what to do. Risu seems a little upset, but I'm supposed to meet back up with Moona, and I've already kept her waiting.
What should Iofi Do?

-[A] Go to Moona to tour the house

-[B] Go on the errand with Risu

Vote for what Iofi should do next in the comments!

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