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*Iofi POV*

I thought about what I should do, and in the end, I came up with more reasons to go with Risu on her errands than reasons to go back to Moona right now. I feel bad for making her wait, but Risu seems a little upset right now, so I should go with her.

"I'll go with you!" I told Risu, and the squirrel girl nodded slightly.

"Thank you," she said in response, her soft tone soothing me. She seemed less somber and more content with things all of a sudden. "I promise it won't be long!" She stated

The two of us began to walk in the opposite direction of where Moona was, and not long after we came across another small town. "Tell me if you want anything." Risu offered. I felt bad for asking for things, but I can't refuse an offer.

"I would like to partake in eating yummy food!" I told her

"Okay, I'll take you to a restaurant and take you to eat rendang in a bit as a thank you for coming with me on this exhibition." She told me the two of us continued walking, and she turned to me once again after about a minute of silence, asking, "Do you have any powers?" She asked me

"Yes, I do. I can actually create barriers, speak to people telepathically, and even brainwash people," I claimed.

"That's an interesting assortment of powers." Risu laughed a tiny bit. We stopped in front of a flower shop, and Risu looked at me once again. "I'll be right back; don't move." She told me before disappearing into the shop.

I waited for her outside as told, and she eventually came out with an assortment of flowers in hand. She seemed shocked that I did as told, and she all of a sudden grabbed my hand and began to walk.

"So what is your planet's name, and also, why are you here? Is it actually for a geological survey?" Risu asked me

"I'm actually the first princess of planet Lolyptos, and yes, this trip is for a geological survey, but I'm not in a hurry back since as soon as I get back to my planet, I'm getting married," I mentioned.

"Oh, do you not want to be married?" Risu asked me

"It was an arranged engagement, so no," I sighed.

Risu didn't know what to say, so we remained silent until we reached our destination, which was a cemetery. I didn't know why we were here, but I just followed Risu inside until we got to a grave that had the name Ayunda on it. I instantly got the connection.

"Was that a family member that passed?" I asked Risu as she put the flowers down next to the grave and began to pray.

"I have no idea, to be honest. All I know is that this person and I share the name Ayunda. I vaguely remember time spent with a witch back in the day when I was no more than a kit. I don't really remember much, just that she always cared for me and loved me. Even though I don't seem to remember much, every time I come to this grave, I feel a sense of sorrow wash over me," Risu explained.

I saw a small tear trickle down her face and heard a light sniffle come from her. I had no idea how to feel, but I knew what I had to do. "It's okay," I said gently before hugging her tightly.

My thoughts immediately went to her, but there was a small part of me that wondered why Moona hadn't ever come here with Risu. As if she read my mind, I got my answer.

"Thank you for coming here with me since Moona won't go; she thinks I just made Ayunda up," She told me.

I sort of felt mad about that. If I believe what Risu says, why would she feel the need to lie about such a thing?

"Hey, I'm sorry to spring something like this onto you all of a sudden, so let's get going." Risu told me, but I made a barrier blocking her so she couldn't walk away.

"No, please stay for as long as you want. I don't want you to think you have to go on my behalf!" I told her

"But isn't Moona waiting?" Risu asked

"She can wait for longer!" I told her

Risu thanked me, and the two of us sat there for ten more minutes, and as promised afterwards, Risu treated me to rendang, which was a rich meat dish and was yummy. Afterwards, I convinced Risu to look at a few shops since I have some currency and may be able to buy something. There was something I saw that I liked and wanted to get Risu, but I don't know if I should get it while she is here. I lost track of Risu for a moment, only for her to come back with a small journal. It wasn't much, but the fact that she bought me something like this really made me happy.

"Let's go to Moona," Risu finally told me.

I agreed since she had probably been waiting for me for about an hour now. The two of us made our way back to where Moona was, and I saw her sitting down leaning against a stall. She looked visibly exhausted. When she saw us, she stood up and walked over.

"What took you so long, and where did you get that brand new journal?" She asked me calmly, trying to hide her irritation from me.

"Well I-" I paused, not knowing what to say, and I was interrupted by Moona.

"Did Risu make you go with her on a weekly outing?" Moona asked me

Moona's question sent me through a loop. I don't know what to tell her since if I tell her that I went to the cemetery with Risu, she may be mad at me, but if I lie to her and tell her that there was an issue with my ship, then I don't know what I'll do. I looked at Risu and Moona while trying to decide.
What should Iofi Do?

-[A] Lie to Moona

-[B] Tell Moona the truth

Vote for what Iofi should do next in the comments!

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