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*Iofi POV*

After giving it some thought, I decided to talk to Moona. I had the others leave the room temporarily before Risu could leave. Moona grabbed her and pulled towards her. I could have sworn they almost kissed.

"What do you want, Moona?" Risu asked

"I will only talk if you are here." She said

"Fine, go," she said.

"Iofi... Risu... I'm sorry, I love Reine. I really do, but I can't be with her because she just infuriates me. But I want to tell you both something!" Moona said

"What?" I ask.

"I want to be with you!" Moona said

"Moona, we can be together. You just have to be a little nicer. If you apologize to Reine and mean it, then we will be able to be together and ignore everything." I say

Risu sighs, "That may be true..." She said

"All I have to do is apologize to Reine and them. I can spend time with you, right?" Moona asks

"Yeah," I said.

I was confused by her sudden mood shift. Is she happy because I'm paying attention to her all of a sudden? Was the issue that I wasn't paying enough attention to her!?

"Moona, are you..." I pause

"Am I?" She motioned for me to continue talking, but I shook my head, not wanting to finish my thought.

"Moona, I don't want to sound like I'm not appreciative of you, but every time I try to hang out with you, all of a sudden you don't have time for me, and now you are upset because I've been ignoring you for a valid reason." Risu comments

"Look, let's just put water under the bridge. We should just focus on the now and not the things from back then. Can we do that?" Moona asks

"Fine, but apologize to Reine for real and don't pull the shit you just tried to pull!" Risu yelled

"Okay!" Moona said, her voice almost apathetic sounding but more energetic than normal. She stepped out of the room and looked at Reine, taking a deep breath before speaking, "Reine, I'm sorry for being an ass!" She shouted, and everyone began to look at us, which made Anya feel embarrassed, so she stepped out.

"I need some time..." Reine sighs sharply. "Moona, thank you for the apology," she mentioned.

I know that won't fix their relationship. I don't know if Moona even means it, but this is a start, and we won't get anywhere if we don't start somewhere.

"So should we meet up with Zeta?" Anya asks as she steps back towards us.

"Wait, I want to go home with Iofi and Risu!" Moona told Anya

I thought about it. I'm kind of tired, and Moona does want to spend time with me, but we did promise to see Zeta again later for a little while longer, but then again, I pretty much promised Moona too, so what should I do?

After giving it some thought, I decided to talk to Moona. I had the others leave the room temporarily before Risu could leave. Moona grabbed her and pulled towards her. I could have sworn they almost kissed.

"What do you want, Moona?" Risu asked

"I will only talk if you are here." She said

"Fine, go," she said.

"Iofi... Risu... I'm sorry, I love Reine. I really do, but I can't be with her because she just infuriates me. But I want to tell you both something!" Moona said

"What?" I ask.

"I want to be with you!" Moona said

"Moona, we can be together. You just have to be a little nicer. If you apologize to Reine and mean it, then we will be able to be together and ignore everything." I say

Risu sighs, "That may be true..." She said

"All I have to do is apologize to Reine and them. I can spend time with you, right?" Moona asks

"Yeah," I said.

I was confused by her sudden mood shift. Is she happy because I'm paying attention to her all of a sudden? Was the issue that I wasn't paying enough attention to her!?

"Moona, are you..." I pause

"Am I?" She motioned for me to continue talking, but I shook my head, not wanting to finish my thought.

"Moona, I don't want to sound like I'm not appreciative of you, but every time I try to hang out with you, all of a sudden you don't have time for me, and now you are upset because I've been ignoring you for a valid reason." Risu comments

"Look, let's just put water under the bridge. We should just focus on the now and not the things from back then. Can we do that?" Moona asks

"Fine, but apologize to Reine for real and don't pull the shit you just tried to pull!" Risu yelled

"Okay!" Moona said, her voice almost apathetic sounding but more energetic than normal. She stepped out of the room and looked at Reine, taking a deep breath before speaking, "Reine, I'm sorry for being an ass!" She shouted, and everyone began to look at us, which made Anya feel embarrassed, so she stepped out.

"I need some time..." Reine sighs sharply. "Moona, thank you for the apology," she mentioned.

I know that won't fix their relationship. I don't know if Moona even means it, but this is a start, and we won't get anywhere if we don't start somewhere.

"So should we meet up with Zeta?" Anya asks as she steps back towards us.

"Wait, I want to go home with Iofi and Risu!" Moona told Anya

I thought about it. I'm kind of tired, and Moona does want to spend time with me, but we did promise to see Zeta again later for a little while longer, but then again, I pretty much promised Moona too, so what should I do?
What should Iofi Do?

-[A] Go Home With Moona And Risu

-[B] Locate Zeta And Kaela

Vote for what Iofi should do next in the comments!

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