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*Iofi POV*

After giving it some thought, I had three reasons to lie to Moona and three reasons to tell the truth to her. I sat there, not really knowing what to say to her. I sat there silently and telepathically talked to Risu.

"I don't know what to do!" I cried out to her.

Risu thought about it and let out a gut-wrenching sigh. She pondered for a few seconds.

"I took Iofi out to eat," Risu said.

"Interesting, what did she have?" Moona asked the two of us

"Rendang," I said to her, and she nodded Since I was the one who said it and not Risu.

"Anyways, let's go to the house; I'll show you around!" Moona said cheerfully:

She seemed in a better mood all of a sudden, and both of them did. Maybe it was a good thing that I was so indecisive at this moment.

"So how was your ship?" Moona asked me

"It was fine; it was just that Risu was there, and she made the sensors go crazy!" I said

"Risu, please don't bother Iofi much." Moona sighed Risu tilted her head to the side in response.

"I'll try not to, but I can't promise you that I won't annoy her!" She said

I didn't really know what was going on between the two of them. They seem like good friends, but at the same time, they seem to be at odds a lot. Maybe I should study this more.

We made it to the house, and the three of us entered inside. I looked around; it was fairly big and could definitely fit the three of us inside.

"Who's room do you want to see first?" Moona asked me

I didn't really know whose room I wanted to see first. "I'll take a tour around the house first," I said.

"Okay, then follow me!" Risu said

She led me into one room. "Why the bathroom first?" Moona asked me

"What is this white bar?" I asked with great interest. Moona looked at me as if I was crazy for asking.

"It's soap!" She said in response:

"So-Ap?" I asked if this must be their substitute for cleansing gel, which is very intriguing.

"Do you see this?" Risu asked

"Yes, it's a bidet!" I said

"Wait, you know what that is, but not soap?" Moona said

"Well, I'm an alien," I reminded

Moona-senpai nodded and pointed to a spare toothbrush. "This is yours," she said briefly.

"What is this room called?" I asked the two girls

"The bathroom, but you can call it the restroom or the lavatory," Risu said.

"Why not just call it the bathroom? Your culture makes no sense." I claimed

"Well, Iofi I'll bring you to the next place; I'm sure you'll like it." Risu told me

She brought me to a weird area of the house with weird contraptions all around. I didn't understand the boxes.

"What are all these things for?" I asked

"This is the kitchen where all yummy food is made. You see, this is the stove where we cook food. Over here is the microwave, the air fryer, and then a toaster, and this is the fridge where most of the food is kept," Risu explained.

I looked at the fridge and smiled, grabbing at it, hoping it would spit food out at me, but it didn't. Wait, is this similar to a freezer?" I asked

"Wait, so you have freezers on your planet?" Moona questioned

"I'm an alien, not a barbarian!" I said

"Over here is the living room," Moona said.

"So you have television?" I questioned

"Yeah," Risu said.

"Huh, I thought you humans were-Nevermind," I said.

The two of them showed me their couch, and they showed me every single picture and thing they had on shelves.

"Iofi, we do have a basement and an attic, but we'd prefer you to stay away." Moona said

This intrigued me. Maybe I'll have to explore it another day.

"So we also have a shed, but I just keep nuts inside it, so no need to look in there ever," Risu said.

This also intrigued me, but maybe I should respect their wishes and not go to those three rooms listed.

"So I think we can show you the rest later. Let's go see your room!" Moona offered

She brought me to the spare room; it looked kind of bland and basic, but room for decoration was definitely there. I knew that I had to go shopping for things later, or I could bring things from my ship here to decorate, but that is for another time, I think.

"This place seems nice," I said to them.

"Yeah, tell us if you have any issues, though!" Moona told me

Those two have been really nice to me. I am grateful that I can take refuge here for the time being since I don't want to go home and get married. Risu knows, but maybe I should tell Moona about my home life.

The two girls got my attention again, snapping me out of a trance, and they both tried to talk to me at once, but they both quieted down and waited for the other to speak first. Finally, Moona talked.

"Would you like to see my room or Risu's Room first?" Moona asked

I don't know if, on the one hand, Moona's Room would be nice to see, but on the other hand, Risu's would make me want to get to know the type of people they are, and how better to do that than to see how they live in their room?

"Pick whoever you want!" Risu said

But it can't be that simple; the earth must have some weird room tradition or ritual, so I have to do something in order to choose between those two.

I feel like Moona's room would be cute like hers, but at the same time, Risu's room could be just as cute as hers.

So which one should I pick?
What should Iofi Do?

-[A] Visit Moona's Room

-[B] Visit Risu's Room

Vote for what Iofi should do next in the comments!

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