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*Iofi POV*

After some thought, I decided to check the basement, or at least what I think is the basement anyway. I walked back to the descending staircase and looked down. It was too dark to see anything in the abyss, but I heard something down there.

I found a light switch and flipped it on before slowly beginning to walk down the staircase. Each time I took a step, an eerie noise made

I gulped as I got to the bottom floor and peered around. There didn't seem to be much; there was a washer and a dryer down there and some boxes, but nothing out of the ordinary. I assumed that was the case until I noticed the coffin in the middle of the room.

"Ehhhhh!?" I shouted, only to quickly cover my mouth.

They are mur-murderers. They intended to lure me into their home so I could be their next victim, right? I need to get out of here before I'm killed.

All of a sudden, the coffin began to shake as the lid pushed itself open. "Ahhh!" I yelled as a hand reached out, making my heart sink more and more. "Z...z...zombie!" I yelled

"Intruder!!!!" The zombie yelled as she saw me.

We both were yelling, only to fall silent as we got a good look at each other. For a zombie, she seems surprisingly spry. I don't know why she has so much energy.

"Uhm-so who are you?" I asked, still fearful of the girl.

"I'm Kureiji Ollie, and you?" She asked

"I'm Airani Iofififteen; nice to meet you, Ollie," I said.

We both sat there in silence, but I cleared my throat to make it less awkward.

"So... do you eat people?" I asked her

"No-why would I do that!?" She asked me

I have no idea because on my planet, zombies are known for eating everything in sight, which is why they are so scary to everyone.

"What are you because you don't look human?" Ollie inquired

"That is true because I am actually an alien, and Moona and Risu have actually allowed me to stay in the guest room," I said.

"Ah, so we should be seeing one another more often then," Ollie said.

Well, I don't know about that; they are probably going to dispose of her since they killed her, and I will never inform them that I went into the basement because if I did, they'll be angry at me for that.

"I wonder why they would offer a stranger to stay with them." Ollie mumbled to herself.

This made me even more concerned because what if something happens to me? Maybe I should just leave before they find out I saw this in the basement.

"You probably should go back upstairs, I mean, since you seemed worried about something," Ollie suggested.

She was right. I should go upstairs and just think about things while I wait for those two to finish talking.

"Thanks for the advice and nice to meet you!" I said as I ran up the stairs.

I didn't realize I forgot to shut the door to the basement on my way up, and I walked to the room where Moona and Risu were. All of a sudden, I heard Risu release a bloodcurdling scream.

"Eh, ah," I said as I visualized what was going on.

Moona was plunging a knife into Risu and was going to stash her in the basement with Ollie. I suddenly had the thought that in the guest room they have, what if Ollie was the previous resident and she did something wrong, so they killed her?

The door swung open, and the two girls walked out, both perfectly fine.

"Are you two done?" I asked

"Yeah, why?" Moona asked

"Oh, no reason," I replied to her.

My head was going around in circles. How is Risu fine? I definitely heard her scream in mortal terror, so what happened in that room?

"I'm famished; let's go to the kitchen and get something to eat." Risu suggested

"Well, you just ate, but why not?" Moona said

The three of us walked towards the kitchen again. Risu looked at me, worried about me. "You're pale," she commented.

"I apologize..." I said

"What is wrong?" Moona asked, "Are you sick?" She added

"No-I've never felt better, actually!" I said

They didn't fall for the bluff and seemed to become suspicious of me all of a sudden. We made it to the kitchen, and I immediately noticed I forgot to close the basement door. I gulped as Risu took notice.

Moona, can you go to my room and get me some nuts?" She asked

"Sure?" Moona said that while not taking notice of the door, she turned around and vanished.

Risu walked over and swiftly shut the door. "Phew," She said in relief.

"Wait... why did you help me there? You could have told Moona the door was open," I said.

"Iofi, you did go with me to Ayunda's grave, and you heard my story out, so honestly, it's the least I could do." Risu told me

"Thank you for helping me!" I said to her: She laughed

"Seriously, it's no problem you heard me out so why would I sell you out?" She asked

"I don't know, but I really owe you one!" I told her

"Whatever you do, don't let Moona know you've been down there," Risu told me.

"Wait... is something other than Ollie down there? And who is Ollie?" I asked

"Ollie is a freeloader; she had no place to go, so we let her live in our basement, but we aren't concerned about you seeing that the basement is rather embarrassing." Risu said

"What is down there?" I asked

"Well, I could tell you, but you'd have to promise me that if Moona found out, you'd never trace it back to me," Risu said.

I really want to know, but should I also know the secret?
What should Iofi Do?

-[A] Hear About What Is In The Basement

-[B] Not Hear The Secret

Vote for what Iofi should do next in the comments!

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