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*Iofi POV*

After some thought, I decided that I should explore the house more since I need to get around here on a daily basis soon enough, as long as I don't bother them and their conversation.

"Where to first?" I said quietly.

As I walked around the top floor of the house, looking around at the paintings and vases lying around, I looked up at the ceiling and saw an oddly cut box there that had a chain hanging down.

I reached up and tugged the box down the stairs, slowly decending to ground level. I looked at the contraption and was perplexed. How can humans seem so dumb but invent something like this? It's just like a spaceship landing dock.

I climbed up to the floor where the stairs led and looked around at the room, which was riddled with cobwebs. There was an area here that was oddly clean, with no dust or cobwebs cluttering it.

I walked over to the couch that was in this room and looked down at it. Clearly someone had been up here recently, as there was an open bag of a snack. Their clothes were draped over the arm of the couch as well, but I ignored that.

I slumped into the couch and looked forward to seeing a decent-sized television, so I decided to watch it for a little bit.

I just scrolled through channels and tried to get invested in some earthly television, but I feel like none of it was particularly good but somehow oddly addicting.

I decided to look around this room more standing up, so I walked over to a weird contraption. I didn't even know how to begin to describe it. The thing was a box that had a pink extension from it, and there were disks around it. I would touch it, but I am afraid to break it, so I won't do that at all.

There were boxes scattered around this room, so I decided I should check them out and rummage through them.

The first box I looked through had ball-shaped things. I noticed that when they hit the ground, they began to bounce.

The next box I looked through was filled with nuts, so obviously they're Risu's, maybe a stash before she hibernates.

I was intrigued by why they'd put things into boxes, like, what do they gain by putting things inside a cardboard box? Is it for storage? maybe

I found another box filled with oddly shaped things that I wasn't able to lift. Some of them I could lift with ease, but the other ones weren't happening. I glared at the label weights.

I don't understand why humans need these heavy things if you can't even lift them. What the heck is even gained from this? They're too heavy to do anything at all.

I tried to think of a use that these could possibly have, but nothing came to mind, so I gave up and wanted to move on.

In the end, I chose to explore the rest of this room. Later, I climbed back down the ladder-like stairs, not knowing how to put them back onto the ceiling, so I just left them hanging down.

Now what to do next? I wondered as I walked around the house some more if maybe I could go try to cook something in the kitchen, but what should I cook? I saw that earthlings have bread too, and that should be simple enough to cook.

I slightly remember seeing a contraption in the kitchen that looked suitable for cooking bread, so it should be simple enough.

I got a loaf of bread and walked over to the contraption but was weirded out by it. "Huh, the bread won't fit," I said as I gandered at the thing. There were four small slots, but why are they there?

"Do you have to cut the bread before you cook it?" I questioned

This seems odd since on my planet you cook the bread first, then you cut it, but I guess I can try to do it the human way. First, I located a knife and cut into the loaf, getting four slices, and placed them. into the machine, but they didn't begin to cook.

"What should I do?" I wondered

I pressed down on one of the dials and watched the bread pop down into the contraption, and it lit up like it was cooking. About a minute later, it popped back up, which startled me.

Everything on this planet is barbaric. I don't understand it; it's like the Stone Age, to be completely honest.

I ate the cooked bread, and then I turned around, noticing a door that they didn't show me during the tour. I opened it and saw stairs going downstairs. Maybe this is the basement, but I was told not to go there. I could have sworn I heard noises down there, but since I was told not to go in there, I decided to explore the outside of the house.

As I walked, there really wasn't much to look at. There was a weird docking station for cars out there, and at the back of the house, there was a metal-looking shack. It was a decent size, but it was blocked off.

"Maybe this is what they call a shed," I said.

I was also told not to go into the shed, but what could possibly be in it? I could easily enter there.

But do I want to go explore the basement? There were unidentified noises, and that might be bad to go check out. At the same time, the shed seems kind of boring.

I don't know if it is really worth getting into trouble if I get caught, though.

Then again, what is the worst that can happen? What are the chances that they will stop talking and catch me in one of those places?

Maybe it would be best to explore the town.

I have no idea what to do.
What should Iofi Do?

-[A] Explore The Shed

-[B] Explore The Basement

-[C] Explore The Town

Vote for what Iofi should do next in the comments!

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