Chapter 3 smoke and mirrors

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(Andy's POV 3 months later)

Alexis and I have been talking on the phone, face timing and texting every day since we last saw each other a few months ago since she wasn't ready to come on tour with me and the guys, which i completely understand, however I did speak to our manager about possibly finishing the tour a couple of days early so I can drive down to Chicago to surprise Alexis, and to my surprise he says that it shouldn't be a problem.

I then immediately wrap up the rest of the tour and I then start getting ready to go and see Alexis, when out of no where I hear Lilith shouting on me. I don't want to see her or even speak to her after what she did, I just want to see Alexis, I need to talk to her and apologise for kissing her and also because I need to tell her how I feel about her, she really needs to know I didn't kiss her because of Lilith and Jackson, I did it because I love her.

I then quickly get into my car and start making the long ass journey to Chicago to see Alexis, but I then quickly realise that I don't have her address, so I then say to my car to call Jasmine. The speakers in my car start to ring and Jasmine picks up.

"Yo what's up Andy?" She asks, i then quickly reply "Hey Jasmine, could you give me Alexis's address please as i'm currently on my way to surprise her, I really need to see her it's impor...." I didn't get to finish my sentence because the next thing I know there's this big loud crash, and all of a sudden I can't move.

"Andy, hello, you there, what's going on?" She asks concerned, I try to answer her but I'm not able to say anything, luckily she's able to to track my location.

Jasmine then quickly found me, and called the paramedics and Alexis right away. There was glass and blood everywhere, about 15 minutes later my beautiful angel arrived and they both waited on the paramedics arriving together, I then suddenly lose consciousness just before the paramedics arrive.

Alexis's POV

I just look at Jasmine and I ask her, "what happened?" She then just pulls me into a hug and explains everything. "Oh my god, thank you so much for finding him when you did" I reply and give her another big hug.

All of a sudden Lilith and Jackson show up frantically asking what happened. I then noticed Jackson hold his arm and he had cuts and scrapes all over him and his head and nose was bleeding, but I was too worried about Andy to properly realise what had actually happened.

Jasmine then looked over at Jackson and asked him "What happened to you?" As she's looking at him waiting for a logical explanation but he just stays silent.

"I swear to fuck if you had anything to do with this I'll kill you myself" i scream squaring up to him, he then gets right in my face "And so what if I did, the prick deserves everything that's coming to him for taking you away from me, your mine and no one else's do you understand me?" He asks grabbing a hold of my wrist, with my one free hand I punch him square in the face breaking his nose. I look back at Jasmine she nods her head and gets straight onto the phone to the police, "You were behind this too weren't you, you little fucking slut" I go right up to Lilith and I punch her square in the face too.

A short while later the paramedics, fire crew and police turn up at the scene and I just stand there breaking down completely, what if he doesn't make it, he'll never get to know how I feel about him, I think to myself as I hug Jasmine so tight, as the paramedics and fire crew try to rescue Andy from the wreckage.

All I could think about was what if he wasn't driving on this road, then maybe this wouldn't of happened.... Andy I love you, please stay with me, I say in my head....

At that moment the police arrest Lilith and Jackson, he looked over at me before he got put in the car and shouted at me, "I'm coming back for you Alexis, you're mine, if I can't have you no one can" Lilith looked over at Andy and shouted to him "The same goes for you Andy, I'll be back, I know you can hear me" I just couldn't believe what I was hearing, these two people just tried to kill him, why the hell do they think they own us, I think to myself. Jasmine then pulls me out of my thoughts by saying "Lex, they got him out of the car" I then immediately turn around and I notice that he's not breathing, "what's going on, please tell me you can save him" I say in floods of tears, and that's when they turn around and tell me that he's currently unresponsive.

"Please save him, I can't Imagine my life without him, please" I scream in floods of tears. "Ma'am I can assure you we will do everything we can, but right now we have to get him to the hospital" one of the paramedics tell me. "Of course, just please do whatever you need to do to save him" I reply still in tears.
"would you like to come along with him, I know unresponsive right now but he will still be able to hear you, but first we have to ask what your relationship is to him" the other paramedic says. "Yes, please I would love to, I don't really technically have a relationship with him, we never really got to that unfortunately" I reply hoping that that'll still be okay for me to ride along with him.
"Of course we understand, we'll just put you down as his girlfriend just for the official paperwork" the first paramedic says. Thank god that it's okay that I can still ride alongside him, I just really need to be with him, now more than ever, i think to myself. "Hey Jasmine, do you mind following behind us in your car? I really can't deal with this on my own" I ask.
"Of course girl, go be with him" She says as she gets into her car, and the paramedics get Andy onto a stretcher and wheel him into the ambulance, as soon as i got in beside him they closed the ambulance doors, and the driver got in the front, and he rushes us to the hospital.

"Hey Andy I know you can hear me, you have to pull through, there's so much i have to tell you and I don't want to say it like this, just please come back to me" I sob my eyes out on his chest.

Then all of a sudden the paramedic in the back with me gets a heartbeat and I just sit up in shock, and I say out loud "oh my god,  you can really hear me" I was completely blown away, he's fighting to live for me, for us.

We get to the hospital and they wheel him straight in for surgery, it's a very long wait so me and Jasmine decide to wait in the waiting room for nearly 8 hours, until the surgeon comes and explains the situation.

"Mr Biersack has suffered multiple injuries including a bleed on the brain and some severe internal bleeding, which we were very lucky to be able to stop both, but he is now in coma right now as his body is going to need time to recover but that's all I can say right now" I was just blown away with what I had just been told so I asked" can I stay with him, I really want to be by his side for when he wakes up"
"of course, his room is this way" the surgeon says and leads me to his room in the ICU and Jasmine then went to get some things for me.

When I made it to Andy's room in the ICU, i notice that Andy is just laying there hooked up to all these machines, I go up to him in floods of tears "Please pull through, Andy, you need to pull through there's something I need to tell you, but I can't tell you like this, please Andy i'm begging you to pull through" I say as I hold his hand sobbing my heart out, all of a sudden another doctor came into Andy's room and told me he had some bad news regarding Andy's condition, "What is it, is he going to be okay, please tell me he's going to be okay" I sob. "Miss Hansley, with the severity of Mr Biersack's condition and the severe bleed he had to his brain, and although we were able to stop it, it is very likely that when he wakes up he will have temporary amnesia, he will remember small things, but most things will be a complete blank to him, I just thought It would be better to prepare you so your not in complete shock for when he wakes up" He said I look at him and say "okay, thank you" he then walks out the room.

I then make my way back over to Andy and say "Oh god, Andy you have to remember me, I can't live without you, I've already spent two years waiting for you, and now I've finally got you, and then this happens, I don't think I could cope if you don't remember me" I sob onto his chest. As the day starts turning into night I set up the cot next to his bed, I was determined I was never leaving his side again.

3 weeks later

I went to the hospital as I have been doing the last few weeks to go see Andy, I just can't believe that he's been asleep for this long, but I will never leave him alone no matter what, I will be there for him for when he wakes up... as I entered the hospital, I got to the reception desk and said "hello, I'm here to visit Andy Biersack" but just as I said that one of Andy's doctors came up to me and said "Miss Hansley, I'm one of Andy's doctors you should know Andy's awake if you would like to go see him, but I do have to warn you our concerns that he would have temporary amnesia seems to be apparent i'm so sorry, he doesn't remember a lot if things but he is awake"
"Omg thank you so much" i say and I run straight to his room where I seen him sitting there talking with another doctor and he looked over to me and asked me "who are you" my heart broke into a million pieces, I said "it's me Andy, your Alexis" he replied with "I don't know anyone called Alexis where is my Lilith" I can't believe it he really doesn't know who I am.

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