Chapter 4: Painted Doors and Memories

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As I skipped down the sidewalk, I started humming a tune. Which tune it was, well, I wasn't quite sure.. I bet Tony would know it. I could ask him if he knows it. Later, I decided that it didn't matter which tune was trapped in my head.

I raced up the steps leading up to the Puppets' house, and knocked on the door. I still didn't know their names, I realized. It would be quite rude to ask for their names.. I know! I'll make up names.. Let's see.... The red one can be Frank. The yellow one can be Mandy, and the green one- I shuddered at the thought of that horrendous color.The green one can be Bob. Bob's a great name. Finally, Frank opened his white door. "You really should paint your door a different color," I pointed out. "White alone is so boring." Frank grimaced. I don't think he liked me very much.. Mandy made his way to the door, pushing Frank aside.

"Paige! Come in, come in, come in!!" He yanked me into the house, making me drop my #2 pencil in the process.

"Mandy.." I growled.

"Oops," he squeaked, and picked up my pencil. He knew I loved that pencil. It's my favorite, you see, for that was the first item I had grasped when I was a child. Ever since then, I've brought that pencil everywhere.

We walked into the Puppets' kitchen and sat down. (I sat on the table, and they sat on the chairs. I didn't think they cared where I sat..) "So, what do you guys want to do today?" I asked eagerly.

"I want to look at the clouds!" Bob grinned, as if he had been doing this all of his life. But I knew that was not the case, because I had taught those Puppets how to gaze at the clouds, imagining any shape you wanted to. I distinctly remember them pointing out a cat, a hat, and.. What was it..? A baseball bat? I had been having difficulties remembering what happened that day..

"I want to draw pictures!" Mandy had loved to draw and paint ever since my first visit.

"I want to play on the computer," Frank said. He had seemed to have an addiction to the computer lately.

"We could do all of those, I suppose.." I jumped off the tabletop, landed on my feet, and spun around. (I loved spinning whenever I got the chance. My skirt always looked exciting whenever I did) "Alright then, let's go!" With that, we raced to the living room, where we begun our fun.

End of Chapter 4

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