Chapter 7: Planes and Stars

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Dedicated to Daelin314


Mandy pulled the digital alarm clock out of the colorful box. "Whaddaya think?" I asked, nervously. It was quiet for a really long time after that, as everyone just stared at the red clock. I dropped my head, feeling terrible. I failed, Paige. I'm sorry.. Suddenly, I heard laughter. I looked up to see the little yellow puppet throwing the clock in the air, and playing with it as though it were a plane. "I love it!" he cried. "Thank you, Mister Clock Man!" Mandy raced out of the room, making whirring noises as he went.

I was so relieved. I wiped the sweat off of my forehead, and sat down on the floor. "Well, I think that turned out well, eh?" Paige sat right next to me, and what was this? She appeared to be blushing. I smiled brightly, and poked her cheek. "Hey, uhm.. Paige? What's wrong with your face there? You okay?" She turned her head and bit my finger. "OW!! Dangit, Paige, that hurt a lot.. Do you sharpen your teeth or something? Geez.." I pulled my finger back, caressing it tenderly.

"Tch.. Shows you not to shove your finger in my face next time," Paige retorted. I stuck my tongue at her soon after that. "Oh, and Tony?"

I looked at Paige with a quizzical look. "Yeah, what's up, Angel?" I said, making her blush even more. She punched my arm really hard after that- totally worth it though.

"Don't call me that!! And anyways, I was going to say thanks, you jerk."

"Yeah, no problem. Anything for a friend, right?"

"Mm.. Yeah, right," she replied, smiling at me.


The rest of the night was pretty relaxing, but, in all honesty, it was a bit too quiet for a creative thinker like me. So naturally, I wanted to spice things up a bit. "Hey guys!" I summoned everyone into the kitchen. "How about we go on a little trip?" I asked. "Tony and I can teach you again, if you're up for it." Everyone eagerly agreed. "Fantastic! Let's go! I'll lead the way. Tony, you can come up front with me. No dilly-dallying, now. Come on, everyone. Faster!" We all gathered our coats and hats, and raced out the door.

So where was I taking them, you ask? It's not too far from the Puppets' house, because it was cold outside, and I didn't want Mandy to suffer on his birthday. In fact, it was right down the street. An open field, full of, dare I say it, bright green grass. As much as I dislike the color, the field had always been my favorite place to be creative, and so I wanted to share that place with my friends. "Welcome to my field, everyone! Go on, sit down. Actually, no. Lay down on the grass. Yes, right there. Perfect. Tony, you too. No, come back! (He tried to run away from the field, for he wasn't very fond of green either) Yes, that's right Tony. Okay. Stay there. Stay.. Good boy."

I stood in front of everyone as they lay on their backs gazing at the night sky. As I pointed at a cluster of stars, I said "Puppets? Tony? This is a constellation. A constellation is basically an arrangement of the stars that makes a picture. If you don't understand, try to remember when I taught you all to cloud gaze. It's similar to that, but with stars!" Exhausted from all of the talking, I lie down beside Tony and stared into the stars.

"Thank you, Paige. This is really nice," he said while sighing. Tony pointed up at a bundle of stars in the formation of a notebook. "Hey, that one kinda reminds me of you." I couldn't help but smiling when he said that.

I then pointed to a constellation in the shape of the face of a clock. "And that one looks like you," I said in return. I pointed to another one just to the right of the clock. "Hey Tony. You see that constellation beside the clock?"

"The one that looks like a donkey..?"

"Yes, Tony. I think that one resembles you better."

"Aww, what?! What'd I do to deserve this!? You're so mean, Paige." We stayed in the field for hours, and pretty soon, I'm pretty sure the Puppets just kinda left. They probably got bored... Maybe I should sing it for them next time.. Suddenly, I felt something grab my hand. I looked at my gloved hand, only to find it intertwined with Tony's. "I.. Hope you don't mind this, Paige.." I started blushing. Aw.. He looks so cute.. Wait, what? Why'd I just say that? He's not cute.. If anything, he's a stalker. No way I should think he's cute. Oh, but his hand is so warm.. Maybe I can let this slide for a little while longer...." I smiled at Tony, and cuddled up to his warm chest. 

"Of course I don't, Tony. I don't mind at all..." I said, as my eyes closed, and I fell asleep...

End of Chapter 7

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