Chapter 2: Letters and Cuckoos

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I couldn't wrap my mind around the fact that a complete stranger gave me a cuckoo clock. I didn't even see why this, 'Tony' character, even cared about the Puppet's education. And besides, I don't see him talking to the Puppets. I decided that I should write back to Tony, and find out why he was watching me.


Thank you for the cuckoo clock.. One question, though- How long have you been watching me? Do you teach the Puppets too? Maybe we could meet up and talk about them sometime!! How about in 13 minutes? That sounds nice...

I quickly crumpled the paper into a tiny ball, realizing that I did not want to chat with a stranger. I have to go think this out, I thought, as I walked into my bedroom and sat on my rocking chair, which by the way was hanging from the ceiling. I grabbed a random book from my bookshelf, random because I didn't really want to read, and I started to skim the pages of the book in hand. It turns out that the book that I was reading was called Divergent. An hour had passed before I came back to reality. "Wow, that book was amazing," I said while closing the book in my lap. The cuckoo clock started to sound. It was 9 o'clock at night, and I still had things to do for the night.

I put Divergent back in it's rightful place on the bookshelf, and then I walked into the kitchen to get some more paper. I will write to Tony, the little voice in my mind was saying. No sooner had I set the paper down on the table, then I heard a book falling off of my shelf in my room. I quickly raced to my room. There, on the bed, was the person I had been writing to. Tony.


She looked so surprised when she saw me in her room. I couldn't help but burst out laughing at her reaction. "Why are you here?!" Paige asked after I recovered from my laugh.

"Oh, nothing," I said as I noticed that she was not in the mood for a laugh. Why is she so uptight? I'll have to fix that.. I thought as I started to smirk.

"What's so funny?" Paige asked, walking closer to me.

"It's just that- I can tell that you are very upset with me. You see, I happen to be very good at reading emotion. You, on the other hand, are not good at concealing your emotion. Right now, I can tell that you think that I am very cute," I remarked, knowing that none of the things that I was saying were true.

"I do not!" Paige started to blush. That worked well. I started to laugh again.

"Whatever you say, dear," I said, putting emphasis on that particular word.

Paige blushed even harder. "I am not your 'dear'! I don't even know you, who are you?!"

"What are you talking about? You know me, I'm Tony the Clock! I gave you that cuckoo clock. You like it, right?" I asked, trying to sound sincere.

Paige sat down next to me on the bed. "Well, it's a very nice clock, I just don't see why you care so much..." she said, trailing off on the last word. I looked right into her eyes.

"Perhaps you don't know me as well as I know you. How about this- from now on, I'll live here! That way, we can get to know each other better!"

Once again, Paige's cheeks turned bright red. "I never said that I wanted to get to know you!!" Of course, I knew she was joking about that.

"It's settled then," I said, standing up. "I'll be all moved in by tomorrow." And with that, I left through Paige's window, and vanished into the night.

End of Chapter 2

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