Chapter 6: Presents and Pasta

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Now... What would a fuzzy yellow puppet want for a birthday present? I strolled through the aisles of the store and browsed section after section of gifts. "I know!" I said aloud. I immediately raced out of the toy section and found myself at the shelf with clocks. What are you thinking? He won't want a clock! My inner thoughts were challenging my decision. 

Yes, he will. Little puppets love clocks. 

He'd much rather you bought the toy car in the other aisle you were just in.

You're lying! I am purchasing this alarm clock for him, and he will like it!!

Furious with myself, I grabbed the clock off of it's stand and proceeded to the checkout counter. I scanned the clock and stomped out through the automatic doors. "I have to figure out how to control myself..." After I had made it to my unicycle, I put the clock in the basket and rode to the house of puppets.


I do hope Tony shows up soon... It's getting to be late, and Mandy's getting impatient. I need to distract him while we wait. I decided on making dinner to occupy my time. What the heck. Mandy can help too if he's really bored. I called Mandy into their kitchen, which was a bit too empty and colorless for my taste. "What are we making for supper?" asked Mandy with an innocent look on his face.

"Purple plaid pineapple pasta tonight! I might even throw in a side of mixed tables, if that's alright with you..." After receiving approval for the meal, I set to work sawing the grand sized table. After that was mixed together, I proceeded to the main course. Manny had added the pineapple to my concoction, and together, we made tonight's dinner. Suddenly, there was a ring at the doorbell. "I got it!!" I raced to the door, leaping over couches and chairs alike. After opening the door, I breathed a sigh of relief. It was Tony, standing at the doorway with a wrapped gift in his hand. He stood outside wearing a mischievous smile on his face. I beckoned him inside. "We're just about to eat.. Care to join us?" He eagerly accepted, and we all sat down to eat.


"I hope you like it... It's my own special recipe."

"I'm sure it will be fantastic, Paige." I sat down at the plain white table in the kitchen. I found it to be a bit boring, compared to Paige's lively household. Then again, the puppets were in the process of being taught about creativity with Paige. It's a working progress, I guess... I picked up my fork and jabbed at the pasta, and guided it to my mouth. It tasted amazing. I'd never had anything like the pasta in my life. "This is great! Where'd you learn to cook like that?" Paige seemed to blush.

"I kinda taught myself, actually," she murmured, rubbing her multicolored mane between her fingers.

"Well, it's really great." I continued eating. After a bit, I decided to try to befriend the puppets. After all, I really didn't introduce myself yet. "Um.. I guess I should say hi.. I apologize for intruding tonight. My name's Tony. Tony the Clock. Nice to meet you all. Oh, and happy birthday," I said smiling. "It's Mandy, right?" He looked at me with a sparkle in his eye.

"Y-yes, it is."

The five of us chatted until the moon was high in the sky, and everyone was finished eating. After I helped Paige clean the table, we decided to bring out presents. I raced to my coat that was on the floor of the main room, and grabbed the box. "Happy birthday, Bud." I handed the box to Mandy. He seemed eager to open it. Once the paper was ripped off of the box, he lifted the lid, and frowned, pulling the clock out of the box. He looked confused, and somewhat disappointed. Oh no... I thought. Does he not like it? What if he hates me now? That's not going to ruin my friendship with Paige, is it?

End of Chapter 6

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