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Nigh Omniscience

Due to Omni404's creation within the Debug_Room, He knows almost everything, everyone and every event without exception in the Underverse and in the Godverse.

Ultima Strings

These strings are composed of the best and most deadly versions of strings of code that all characters with the ability to create. These strings are chromatic, appearing to change color's slowly.

Time Ripper

He is able to manipulate time and timelines, he is able to erase entire timelines, as well as create them in a instant.

4th Wall Awareness

Omni404 is aware that he is fictional and talks through the people within the real world constantly.

Immeasurable Speeds

Omni404 moves so fast that he seems to teleport to his desired location instantaneously.

Ultimate Virus Creation

He can create any form of digital viruses as well as manipulate them flawlessly. Omni404 is also immune to corruptions in his code.

Omni404 can freely manipulate the life and death cycle of all beings within the Underverse and being who are considered "Living" in the Godverse.

Corrupted Hate/Hate Ink

He can create matter so vile and evil that it can corrupt even the most purest of people, including people or beings such as Frisk doing a True Pacifist Route. When this darkness effects someone, they will be under his complete control and makes them 1500x stronger. Beings under this influence are different to the individual. In the best case scenario, they will act no different unless they are given a order by Omni404. In the worse case scenario, they will commit unspeakable crimes, such as mass genocide. People under the influence of this are instantly downloaded to Omni404's archives, which will never leave his memory unless deleted by a outside force.

Ultima Blasters

These blasters are bypasses or ignore most forms of defense, including causality and protectors against insta-wins. These blasters work similar to Error404's God Ray, being able to make all Underverse characters stay in place once summoned and erases their code once fired. The blaster itself changes every 3 seconds to a different looking blaster, if he summons multiple, the changes will not align with each other. The blast itself is chromatic, similar to his strings. The stunning effect does not work against beings who are weaker than him.


Omni404 isn't considered a living being, more so being a concept made to scrounge for information to revive The Game Developer. If Omni404 is erased or otherwise killed, he will simply return in another universe as if nothing has happened.

404 Determination

This ability allows Omni404 to use a much more powerful form of Blue Mastery. While using this, Omni404 can erase the wills of beings weaker than him and making them do whatever he desires, lift things up akin to telekinesis and even can use said "Determination" to create items from the code around him. He also can use this to forcibly inject determination into whoever he has in his grasp, which will usually turn his opponents to Amalgamates, this even implies to Player only characters within the Underverse.

Game State Manipulation

He can control the states in any game he is introduced to, as well as effectively take over one's PC if needed be. He has shown to be able to corrupt wikis and computers he is on, able to override said game directory and even able to effectively control one's PC.

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