blitzo el destructor of fiction

22 1 1

age and gender: the same

height: 5'6

personality: the same but less jackass



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his name: Phobos



Attack Healing

can heal themselves or possibly others by attacking or inflicting damage onto other people or thin

Solar Attacks

can utilize solar energy/substances for attacks of various shapes and sizes, intensities, and forms. Examples include solar plasma-augmented melee attacks, huge rays of pure solar energy, or even just bursts that might slightly singe targets.

Meta Matter Manipulation

can create, shape, manipulate, summon, destroy and customize all possible forms of matter, whether organic or inorganic, baryonic or non-baryonic, etc. This also extends to "exotic matter", such as dark matter; antimatter; tachyons; and other highly theoretical forms of matter.

They can manipulate matter from alternate timelines, dimensions, universes, etc., using their immense power to pluck it from one of the aforementioned categories and materialize it to their location. Along with this, the user can also create new types of matter and imbue them with properties of their choosing, creating matter not of the normal variety. For example, a user could create matter that grants powers to its wielder or matter that has properties or a structure that defies the established laws of physics.

At their strongest, the user can manipulate quantum foam, the smallest level and foundation of reality as we

Meta Power Destruction

 can completely destroy any and all powers in existence on any/all levels regardless of its type, status, or level of power, including but not limited to absolute, omni and meta-level powers.

Absolute Destruction

 can destroy everything without limits, from concepts, boundaries and causation, to studies like metaphysics and science, even irrational "concepts" like the fabric of nothingness or even totality itself.

Warning: Anything destroyed by this power is Absolutely Impossible to bring back by any means other then an truly omnipotent being, rendering it completely absolute in the truest sense, therefore it should be used with only the utmost caution for this very reason.

Absolute Explosion

can create explosions that can destroy absolutely anything and everything, with absolutely nothing can defend against it.

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