they realize their feelings for you (their pov)

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Ever since Y/n started helping me with catching the other survivors I started feeling weird. Whenever I would be close to them I would become shy. I felt like I wanted to help them around with everything I could. I decided to search for answers on Google (yes, they can use electronic devices) and the only answer I got was that... I'm in love with them? No, it can't be that! I tried over and over again but everytime it was the same result. Maybe I really am in love with them...

I was happy that Y/n was helping me catch the other survivors, but I also felt something else. I wasn't sure what was that feeling, so I decided to ask Red about it. He said that I might have just gotten sick or.... I might have fallen in love with Y/n. I tried to deny that I was in love with them, but I couldn't. I didn't feel sick. And the feelings got even bigger whenever I heard their voice. I couldn't help, but think that I really fell in love with them.

(I see him as an adult like the rest of them, he just acts childish) Ever since I saw Y/n I felt something weird, like butterflies starting to fly around my stomach whenever I was near them. I decided to look it up. I searched on google "what does a feeling of butterflies flying in your stomach mean?" (I can actualy imagine him doing that) and the result I got was "did you mean: love?" I was very confused. (He's just confused, nothing else.)

Whenever I was around Y/n I was getting a weird feeling. I was too lazy to figure out what that feeling was by myself, so I just googled it. The result I got was love. I don't know why, but I wasn't even suprised.

What is happening to me? Why didn't I kill them? It's like I have feeling for them... But what are these feelings? I don't udnerstand... Is there something wrong with me? Why do I feel like I want us to be more than just friends? Am I.... In love with Y/n? This can't be possible, we just met! But what if it actualy is possible? Would that be love at first sight? I think so...

Ever since I met Y/n I started feeling weird. But I got those feeling only then I was around them. What does that mean? Why do I feel like I want to protect them? Maybe it's because they were the only person who was nice to me? But why do I feel like.... I want to be more than friends...? I don't understand... wait.... didn't I hear once some survivors talk about feeling like these? I think these feeling are called... love? Am I really in love with Y/n?

I don't understand one thing. WHY DID IT TAKE ME SO LONG TO WRITE THIS?

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