You confess to them

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Requested by: AutismBrownie

💙Blue💙Y/n pov "Okay, today I HAVE TO confess my feelings for Blue

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Y/n pov
"Okay, today I HAVE TO confess my feelings for Blue." I said to myself. I started looking for him around the facility but I couldn't find him anywhere, so I went to look for him at Odd World. Soon enough I found him sitting by the little river under the bridge. I slowly approached him. "H-hi Blue..." "Oh, hi Y/n!" "I have to tell you something..." "What is it?" I took a deep breath before quickly saying: (this is for you if you can't read it: "I really really like you and I mean more than a friend") "IREALLYREALLYLIKEYOUANDIMEANMORETHANAFRIEND!" "Whoa, whoa slow down! I can't understand what you're saying!" I let out a sigh. "I like you... more than a friend..." I said while blushing so hard that I propably looked like a tomato, I was propably redder than Red himself. "Wait, really?" "Y-yes..." "I like you too! I was even about to confess when you came up to me!" "Really?" "Yeah!" Then he hugged me. I just hugged back. We were hugging until Red came and ruined the moment by saying that he kidnapped more people and that Blue needed to go back to the facility.

His pov
"Alright, you got this! Just go up to him and say that you like him!" I heard Y/n say to themselves. 'Who's the person they like?' I thought. I was a bit sad that they like someone. I walked away to look for survivors when I heard Y/n open the door of their room (yes, you have your own room in the facility.) and approach me. "Hey Green? Can I talk to you for a second?" "Sure." I wondered what they wanted to talk about. "So umm... I just wanted to tell you that uhh... I... *sigh* I really really like you!" I was shocked, but also happy. 'So they actualy like me!' I thought. "I like you too!" "Really?" "Yeah, I actualy started to have feelings for you since we met!" I felt them hug me, so I just hugged back. Just then I heard someone say something they propably wanted to keep in mind, but said it out loud by accident. "YES! THEY LIKE EACH OTHER! I HAVE TO TELL R/N THAT THEY LOST THE BET!" Then that person ran away to propably tell their friend about it.

Y/n pov
"Okay, just go and tell him that you like him, easy right?" I said to myself. I started walking to Orange's hideout when I noticed him walking out of the theatre. "Hey Orange." "Hi Y/n!" "I wanted to tell you something." I said trying to be quick with the whole confession thing. "What is it?" I let out a sigh. "I really really like you!" I said and quicky ran away afraid that he might reject me.
His pov
"I really really like you!" Y/n said and quickly ran away. "Wait!" I yelled and started running after them. I quickly caught up to them and jumped on them to stop them from running. "Why did you run away?" "B-because I'm afraid you'll reject me..." "Y/n, I like you too! Why wouldn't I?" "I don't know...?" Then I just hugged them.

His pov
'I have to confess to them now! Otherwise it might be too late...' I thought when I heard a knock on the door of my vent. I opened it only to see Y/n blushing a little. "Hey Purple, I just wanted to tell you something." "Hi Y/n, I actualy wanted to tell you something too..." "Maybe we should say it at the same time, so we wouldn't get into a fight because of saying 'you go first' all the time like in some movies." They said and laughed a little. "Sure." "Okay, in 3... 2... 1!" "I like you!" We said at the same time. "Wait, really?" They asked me. "Yes." I said and pulled them into the vent, so I could hug them.

Y/n pov
Me and Yellow were sitting on a bench by the laser tag area. I was planning on confessing my feelings to him. I took a few deep breaths and started. "Hey, Yellow?" I said getting his attention. "Hmm?" "I need to tell you something..." "What is it?" "I... I like you, more than a friend!" There was a moment of silence. I was getting more and more nervous when he said: "I like you too!" Just then we heard someone yell: "I KNEW IT! HAHA YOU LOST THE BET, NOW GIVE ME THE 20 DOLLARS!" We looked into the direction of the voice and saw 2 survivors, one of them was celebrating their victory and the other one was laying on the ground while crying.

Her pov
Me and Y/n were hanging out by the river under the bridge when Y/n suddenly said: "Cyan, I need to tell you something." "What is it?" I asked. "I... I like you!" I took a minute to prosses what they had just said. "I like you too!" I answered happily. Then they just hugged me. "Imagine someone losing a bet right now that was about us liking each other." I said and laughed. "I don't have to, look." I looked where they were pointing and saw two survivors, one was dancing with money in their hand and the other one was crying.

Oh yes, the survivors in some of the stories were like: "They are propably going to confess to each other in a minute." "I really don't think so." "Wanna bet?" "Yeah." And a minute later they would be like: "HAHA YOU LOST THE BET, GIVE ME 20 DOLLARS!" "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" I was laughing so hard while writing this I almost woke up my whole family (it's  4:54 am right now) I really should go to sleep instead of writing stories on wattpad because my mom is taking my brother to the dentist and I planned on making a suprise for them before they come back. Why am I telling you this? I don't know. I have completly no idea why I'm telling you all of this. Also I have an information for you. If you read stories instead of sleeping like me, please try to fix your sleeping schedule. I'm also trying.

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