if you were the victim of the bite of 83

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The rainbow firends are human in this scenario

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The rainbow firends are human in this scenario

He would hold your body tightly and wouldn't let go. He would be crying the whole time. Other people would have to take you away from him to take you to the hospital.

He wouldn't know what's going on. Once you would be taken to the hospital some people would tell him what happened and he would start crying.

He would try to stop the people that put your head in Fredbear's mouth before something would happen. Once Fredbear's mouth would close he would freeze. Then he would start crying.

Same as Blue.

He would jump on one of the people that put your head in Fredbear's mouth and start beating the shit out of them while yelling: "WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?! YOU KNEW HOW DANGEROUS THIS IS!" While some people took you to the hospital and some other people tried to stop him.

Same as Yellow, but she would also start crying the moment Fredbear's mouth closed.

Idk why but I thought that it was actualy called "the bite of 87" until I checked it on google.

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