Whispers of the heart|04 |

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Someone's Pov

"Hearts entangled, bound by fear.
Jungkook dares to grow due to the whisper of the heart, too heavy to bear"

Jungkook turned left and right on his bed trying to get a hold of his sleep. He heard the heavy rain pouring down and he found himself calming on the earthy feeling in an instant. He could feel his precious sleep calling for him before a scream interrupted his senses. He opened his eyes wide, heart beating at a faster rate he gulped.

The thunders were unnecessarily loud. Jungkook felt chills running down his spine yet he stayed glued to the bed, staring at the ceiling.

"He isn't a kid. A little thunderstorm can't hurt anyone"

"But that scream....did he fall? Or is he scared?"

Jungkook shuffled on his bed, his brain keeping him wide awake. Why couldn't he just sleep? He forcefully closed his eyes and a loud sigh.


With every step towards the cold living room, Jungkook felt his heart beating hard against his ribcage. A certain type of fear settled in him as he watched the small figure curled into a ball on the furthest corner of the couch, shaking violently.

"J–Jimin?" Jungkook slightly bends himself as his trembling hands reached to touch the shaking figure of Jimin. Jungkook widens his eyes as Jimin simply falls back.

He had fainted.

Without much thought, Jungkook scopped Jimin into his embrace and took him to his room.



It's cold.

Jimin shivered at the cold breeze as he curled himself more into the warm duvet, wanting to sleep more. He shuffled a few times before fluttering his eyes open. Blinking once, twice, and thrice before adjusting his vision to the room. He breathes deeply before taking in his surrounding.

He sits up on the bed, looking around the room which wasn't his. He was once again in Jungkook's bedroom.

"I wouldn't carry you to your bed and tuck you to sleep, don't be pathetic Jimin" Jimin remembered those awful words that had been successful to scratch his heart, right in front of his eyes. He doesn't remember how did he end up like this. He remembers falling on the floor and being cold. He remember a warm embrace that was calming him down, it was a dream, no?

Jimin stopped his train of thought as the Loud sound of something breaking reached his ears. He jumps out of the bed, ready to open the door but before he could, the door opened revealing a pissed Jungkook. His face furrowed, eyes intense, and jaw locked. Angry indeed.

"Get inside shorty" Jungkook warns as he stepped inside the room. Closing the door, he rests his head on the wooden door while Jimin simply watched him with careful eyes.

"Are your parents downstairs?" Jimin asks. Voice uncertain.

"No," Jungkook says, his eyes directly staring at Jimin, locking him in an intense stare and Jimin once again missed a beat of his heart.

If his parents aren't here then why was he in Jungkook's room? Why did HE end up here for no reason?

"My dad's secretary is here. He is more like a spy than secretary" Jungkook explained and Jimin's heart sank a little. Of course, Jungkook wouldn't bring him to his room without a reason.

Tangled hearts : Bound by hate [ JIKOOK]Where stories live. Discover now