Leave me lonely (don't) |05|

596 94 18

Someone's Pov

"Jimin's heartaches, searching for release, Trapped between love and a bittersweet peace."

"Oh come on Jungkook! You haven't even taken us to meet your husband and now you act like a child throwing tantrums!" Jungkook whined again. Seokjin, one of his best friends started to yell at him for the third time of the day.

"You don't have to meet him hyung," Jungkook says, turning back to his computer while Seokjin released a frustrated sigh.

"Come on! We have only seen him once that too on your wedding day, That's it. You should introduce him to us" This time was Namjoon who chimed in.

"Oh my god guys. Just get going! Don't you have any other work?" Jungkook asked annoyed.

"We came here for a meeting you ungrateful brat" Seokjin rolled his eyes as he got up from his seat, heading towards Jungkook who was sitting on his chair, typing on his computer.

"Well since the meeting is over, you can head back to your own places" Jungkook forced a smile with his voice rough.


"Come one hyung! Get going. I have to meet Eun–sook too" Jungkook sighs, closing his computer and adjusting his clothes.

"Wait, wait Jungkook. Meet whom?" Seokjin asked, his voice laced with confusion and his face furrowed in utter disbelief.

"Eun–sook? My girlfriend?" Jungkook said shrugging his shoulder as if he didn't just drop a bomb on Seokjin and Namjoon.

"For the love of god Jungkook! What are you still doing with her? You are fucking married now!" Seokjin yelled. His veins popped with every word as he stared at Jungkook in disbelief.

"Wow, I didn't know that. Thank you for telling me hyung" Jungkook sarcastically smiled, tilting his head.

"Jungkook stop playing with her, I am warning you. She is a cracked woman" Seokjin sighs as Namjoon rubbed his back.

"She was there for me through thick and thin hyung. I can't just let her go" Jungkook cleared his throat, looking away.

"You guys aren't even serious. Why still bother going with her?" Namjoon asked defeated by Jungkook's stupidity.

"I am a straight person hyung. My parents forced me to tie the knot with a man but that doesn't mean I can be with him. I need her." Jungkook sighs. His heart felt something he couldn't describe. It was a gloomy feeling.

"Is that so? Then I am a master chief here" Namjoon spoke low, voice laced with sarcasm.

"You don't have to meddle in my business Namjoon hyung, Seokjin hyung. You can get going" Jungkook spoke. His voice was low and serious as he clenched his jaw and looked away after a brief stare at his hyungs.

"She doesn't deserve this nor your husband"  Seokjin spat angrily before storming out of Jungkook's office with Namjoon behind him.

I know.

Jungkook closed his eyes and the image of Jimin shivering, those innocent eyes staring at him and the mop of that soft blonde hair, the plump lips, the soft and fearful voice, and the delicate body pressed against him started to fill his senses slowly.

Yep. He needs to get out of his office room and get some fresh air.

How can he even think about a man, that too Jimin?

It's weird.



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