Chapter 3: Flight, feels, and Torture

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The ride to Yoko's house was going smoothly, Enid was enjoying the scenery while also trying to relax as much as she could, after the morning she had had...15 minutes into the ride Yoko told them they would have to make a stop for gas. Enid really craved dark chocolate for some, much to her insistence, they needed to stop for snacks too...she hadn't had breakfast after all. 

Once they landed, in the middle of nowhere, Yoko's pilot started to pump gas while they went into the shop to get stuff to eat and drink. Once they had what they needed, they stepped out, Enid had a mouthful of chocolate and questioned amused... "So...How did THIS happen?" as she swallowed the deep, bittersweet, velvety dark chocolate, with a glint of curiosity in her eyes, pointing to Yoko and Wednesday.

"Well, I was about to leave to pick you up and remembered I had Wednesday's number...Logically, I thought she might want to things were going with you and..." Yoko retold Enid what had happened and was interrupted by Wednesday.

"I was just in the middle of digging up some scorpions to torture Pugsley with when the call came my unpleasant surprise, Yoko informed me about your predicament and asked if I'd care to join her in your rescue..." Wednesday said straight-faced.

"She said NO", Yoko laughed.

"...I declined the rescue mission but saw an opportunity for torture involved...who says no to torture?", questioned Wednesday.

"Yeah, she was totally down for THAT..." Yoko was smirking.

"The means were already at my disposition, it was only a matter of changing victims." deadpanned Wednesday. "Although, I would have prepared something much more gruesome had I had the time to..." I glint in her eyes told them that she was in deep thought about what she could have done.

"Oh! So THAT's why she smelt like damp forest soil... Enid thought distractedly, then focused her attention back to the conversation taking place...

"You guys saved my life! Ulterior motives aside," Enid giggled. "Thank you, guys." Enid went in to hug Yoko, who fully embarrassed her, she smiled and melted into the hug. Yoko was like an older sister to her and she would do anything for her little Enid.

They broke apart from the hug, while Wednesday just stood there, glaring... "I would offer you a hug too but I know how much you hate those," Enid said shyly, looking down and everywhere but directly at Wednesday.

"I appreciate the gesture..." Wednesday nodded.

"OF A HUG?!, said Enid as she opened her arms and took a step towards Wednesday.

Wednesday took a step back and glared, " Of respect towards my dislike of them."

Enid lowered her arms and came to a complete stop. "Ah...yeah...don't mention it..."

"Ok losers, the tank is full, we got the snacks, hop back in so we can ditch this place!" Yoko couldn't hide her amusement. "These two will be the end of me..." She thought as she chuckled a bit to herself.

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