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Lombardy - Milan - 17 September 1958

''Viva V.E.R.D.I.!''
Was heard almost every day since Giuseppe Verdi performed Nabucco. Ever since then, people have been using his last name as a coded message.
''Viva V.E.R.D.I.!'' I shouted from the window and some of my friends joined in, the Austrian guards couldn't understand what we were saying as usual.
'' Y / N! ''
My mother entered the room, I was in trouble, my mother loved the Austrians and she hated the Sardinians who were planning to reunify the peninsula
'' Y / N, can you tell me what Viva V.E.R.D.I. means? ''
She was angry, she knew that word was used by Italians who wanted the peninsula to be reunified
She grabbed my hair and I kept screaming until she whipped me on the back and left without saying anything locking me in my room.
I laid my head on the pillow crying my heart out from my wounds, got up and wrote a letter to a friend of mine I hadn't seen for some time, describing what was going on.
As soon as he finished writing I looked for something else to do to pass the time, I found a romantic book by one of my favorite writers.While I was reading my mother I went into my room again.
''You have a marriage to make between you and the noble Hutshef''
''What! I don't even know him!''
''I don't care, tomorrow you will meet him and plan your wedding''
''You can't tell me that I have to get married to a man I don't know and that I don't love!''
''you spoiled ugly girl you will marry that nobleman and you will be silent!''
''no! I won't marry that asshole!'' ''don't say these things about your future husband!''
''that asshole had some of my friends killed, for a comparison they had made with the Sardinians and the Austrians!'' ''Your friends were dangerous revolutionaries who had to be stopped'' "they weren't dangerous"
''stop being a little girl!''
''I'm not a child!''
''yes instead you're acting like a child'' ''I'm not a girl or a teenager, I'm 18 I'm of age let me make my own private decisions without your opinion''
''your decisions are just strange, fruit of your dream of finally living under a united Italy when you haven't yet understood that the Austrians are better'' ''The Austrians are oppressors!''
She looks at me, then takes the whip and whips me on the back again, he hit the open wounds many times making me suffer more and more than normal, as soon as he finished he left slamming the door. My mind was clouded by the anger I had against my mother, she alone made the decisions that I had to make and now it turns out that you planned an arranged marriage because the guy was rich and in a high and noble family. I began to look for something to make a rope to escape through the window but stopped immediately, Austrians were guarding the areas near my house.

I looked out the window, it's 4 in the morning, I can't sleep with those wounds he had caused me they hurt too much.I began to look at the full moon and began to dream of that moon above us as we celebrated the unification of Italy once the Sardinians would come...Looking at the moon, an idea came to me, I sat down at my desk and started writing, I started writing a book in favor of the unification of Italy that I would sell to revolutionaries and not to make propaganda.
As I wrote, my emotions took over as I described life under the Austrians, a foreign people who are occupying the Italian peninsula, from my point of view and that of my friends.

\Two hours later/

'I've finished writing the first chapter' I looked at my work as if it were a priceless masterpiece and closed it in a drawer.
It was six in the morning now but I couldn't make my breakfast mader he locked the door so I'll fast until he opens it again.

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