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while he was trying to console me behind him on a tree there was also the Kingdom of Sardinia, he was sitting on a branch watching the scene.
I gave a nod of a smile and calmed down. ''Du hast ein Taschentuch?'' (do you have a handkerchief)
''nein'' (no)
he put me on the bench and got up to fetch it from a nearby bar.
Sardegna came down from the tree to try to console me too.
''Come on cucciola, don't cry I'll be there to destroy the marriage the day it happens''
''When did you decide to come and free Milan''
''I haven't decided on this date yet, my soldiers are still preparing''
"You'll do it soon right?"
''Yes, of course''
''Hey, lass es in Ruhe!'' (hey, leave her alone)
''Austria has arrived, I have to go honey'' he kissed me and then walked away ''Der hässliche Sarde, komm zurück hierher'' (ugly Sardinian come back here) ''No Austria''
''Meine Liebe, dir geht es gut'' (my dear are you okay?)
''Ja, ich bin okay'' (yes I'm fine)
he gave me the handkerchief and sat next to me.
I leaned on him because I was a little tired.
''Soll ich dich nach Hause bringen?'' (Do you want me to bring  you home)
''Nein, ich möchte lieber durch Mailand laufen'' (No, I prefer to go around Milan) ''Kann ich mit dir kommen'' (I can go with you)
''Wenn du Lust hast, komm'' (if you feel like it, come)
he took my hand and we began to walk around Milan while Sardegna watched us from the rooftops.
Austria spoke of his other businesses that he has done and described to me the cathedrals that he had built in his territory and the marvelous structures. As soon as evening came Austria tried to take me home but I always refused, after which he gave up and left.
Sardinia as soon as Austria was far enough came down from the rooftops. "I'll take you home?"
"No, I don't want to go home"
"Do you want to come to my shelter"
''All right'' 
he took me as a wife and took me to his refuge, it was small and it was certainly much more welcoming than my house when my mother was there.
''I only have one ''bed'' so we have to sleep together''
''sounds good to me''
we got into bed it was small so we had to sleep hugging each other, I was slowly dying of embarrassment.

\the next morning/

he woke me up and I realize that Sardegna was caressing me, he was also playing with my hair, so I started playing with his mustache.
''Do you like playing with my mustache?'' ''Yes''
he kisses me on the head and then tries to get up
''you stay here until I give you permission''
"Alright, your majesty"
I placed myself on top of his chest to prevent him from escaping.
"Do you like being on top of me"
he spun around to then pin my legs and arms
"Now you're trapped"
"Okay... I'm hungry"
''I'm going to get you something to eat, what do you want?''
''I do not know''
''what I get you, will you eat it?''
He got up, put on his cloak and took some money, before leaving he kissed me.
'what can I do while I wait for him' I stood up and looked at his messy desk, then I remembered that I had a letter from him that I had left in my room and since I will soon be reported missing they will search my room to look for evidence of my disappeared and as soon as they find the letter they will condemn me to death also because of my father's letter.
''Love I'm at home''
''Sardè, you must go to my room and take my father's letter and yours that you gave me, soon they will give me up for missing and they will search my room for evidence and as soon as they find the letters they will call me a traitor and condemn me to death''
"Okay, I'll go get them"
he gave me the food he had taken and went to get the letters, while I fixed up the shelter.

\Austria-Hungary pov/

I knew I had to insist on taking her home, now she's gone and who knows where she's gone.
My guards spoke to her mother to seek information while I went to her room to look for traces of her disappearance.
As I opened the door to her room I found a hooded person taking a letter from her bookcase.
''Hey, was machst du'' (hey, what are you doing?)
''Oh, Österreich-Ungarn, mein lieber Freund'' (ogh, Austria-Hungary my dear friend)
the figure took off its hood to reveal that it was the Kingdom of Sardinia
''Wissen Sie, ich habe einige Briefe und die geheimen Tagebücher von Y/N mitgenommen'' (You know, I took some letters and the secret diaries of Y/N)
''Du warst es, der sie entführt hat'' (it was you who kidnapped her)
''Vielleicht ja oder vielleicht auch nicht'' (maybe yes or maybe not)
he threw himself out the window to start running away afterward, I tried to chase him but I lost him soon after.
Damned Sardinian.

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