Cap 7

107 2 0

30 September 1858

these days I have received some letters from Sardinia, one had sketches of the most famous structures and places of his nation.  I replied to his letters and also related my days as I went and also that the wedding with Mr. Hutshef was approaching
"Y / n, you are getting married very soon and you will bring your family a great honor!" 
my mother was already preparing everything for the wedding while I secretly tried to destroy it but Sardegna had promised me that he had destroyed the marriage.
I wrote him a letter giving him the date and time of the wedding, after which I began to write how my days had gone.  "Y/n!" 
"Yes, Mom?" 
"Your future spouse's mother told me you were cheating on him with someone, right?" 
"no Mom, he was just taking me to the hospital" She left the room to lock me inside afterward, I started writing again but someone called me from the window.  I went looking out of the window and saw that it was Austria.
" Meine Liebe, kannst du runterkommen?" (my dear, can you come down?)
"Ich kann nicht Österreich, ich bin eingesperrt" (I can't Austria, I'm locked up)
"Warum?"  (why)
"Meine Mutter glaubt, ich hätte meinen zukünftigen Ehemann mit dir betrogen" (my mom thinks I cheated on my future husband with you)
"aber du betrügst ihn mit mir" (but you cheated on him with me)
"Es ist nicht wahr, dass wir nicht verlobt oder verliebt sind" (It's not true that we're not engaged or in love)
I returned to my desk to continue writing the letter to Sardinia but Austria had entered through the window and took the letter from my hand, but before he could read it I destroyed it by pouring ink over it. 
Austria looked at me confused, put the letter on the desk, grabbed my wrist, and pinned me against the wall. 
Before he could do anything Sardinia hit him on the head with a big branch, he took Austria and took him outside to come back later.
"his favorite Sardinian mushroom is here at his service Princess of Lombardy"
he said making a bow
"my little mushroom go destroy the decorations of my future marriage that are in the cathedral so my mother will waste more time and we will use it to be alone"
"The task will be done immediately, but it has a pr-"
I kissed him without letting them finish talking. 
the kiss that was supposed to remain a normal kiss continued a little too much, he took me and put me on the bed to continue kissing me
"The mission"
as soon as he returns I know we'll have sex. 
he didn't take long to come back, he tried to kiss me but I stopped him
"I've already paid the price of your mission"
I look confused and then he tried to make me change my mind by attacking my neck. 
I hold back the moans of pleasure which made him angry, he took off the hood and revealed that he had a nice feathered hat and the feathers looked soft. 
Tempted to touch the feathers but he block my hand from touching them
"Do you want to touch them?" 
he lowered his head and made me touch the feathers, they were super soft. 
while I touched them I studied a way to steal his hat, I took the end of his hat and took it off,
"Hey give it back!" 
I opened my eyes and I saw his hair for the first time, it was brown and messy. 
if he was so good-looking with only his face and hair I wonder how sexy he will be without the shirt, but now I didn't care so much, I had only one goal now, to feel if his hair was soft. 
I went behind him as he put on his hat, I clung to his back like a koala, took off his hat again, and started playing with his hair.
"do you like playing with my hair"
I took a hair tie and tied a ponytail over his head, and gave him a mirror to show him what I had done to him. 
"I look like a pineapple"
"I'm bored"
"I'm going to get you something wait here"
"Where do you think I'm going I'm locked in my room!" 
as soon as he left I became even more bored but he had left his hat here, he won't be angry if I play with the hat's feathers. 
I took the hat and began to play with it, however, I saw that there was something hidden in the hat, I took the object out and looked at it, it was his flag format keychain, I started looking if there was anything else and I found a piece of paper I turned it over and saw that it was a mini portrait of my face, I put things in the hat and continued to play with the feathers but the Sardinian had arrived and I snatched the hat from my hand. 
He looked angry, so I acted offended by refusing to look at him, he put his hand on my head, turned it around, opened my mouth, and stuffed a chocolate chip cookie inside.

\15 minutes later/ 

Sardegna was singing me a song called Ricciolina, I liked that song even if I didn't understand the meaning. 
"Sardinia what does the song say?" 
"It's a secret"
I wanted to stay with him a little longer but my mother came home and he left in a hurry.
"Y/N you don't know what happened!"  "What happened?" 
"one person destroyed all the wedding decorations and now we have to postpone it!" 
"And to what day was the wedding moved?"
"I don't know, until the decorations are arranged the wedding is canceled" Sardinia had the wedding canceled!  if I see him again I will hug and kiss him so much I will kill him. 
"What happened?" 
I turned around and saw Sardegna sitting on the window ledge, I jumped on him with happiness and started kissing him. 
After a while, I lock my hands on the bed
"I came here for the cap and hat but you look excited, you want to do the dirty thing"
"you canceled my wedding of course I'm excited"
"yes, for now"
he kept kissing me and trying to dominate my tongue,
"We can't do it, there's my mother downstairs"
he got up and went to get his things, he gave me a last kiss before going away
"sooner or later I will take you with or without consent in my kingdom so I will have you only for myself"
"Okay King Mushroom of Sardinia you can take me into your kingdom whenever you want"
he laughed and went away. 
I lay down on the bed imagining my future life with Sardinia
"Y/N your future husband is here to talk to you"
"Okay I'm coming"
I went to the living room where my future husband is waiting for me, as soon as I entered he approached me to try to give me one kiss, and I pulled away to avoid having his disgusting tongue inside my mouth.

\2 hours later/

my future husband is more boring than Austria, but at least the wedding was postponed to June 4 next year. 
but I can't complain I have almost a whole year dedicated to my favorite Sardinian, I entered the room and lay down on the bed but, it was hard as stone, I heard someone laughing so I looked who it was, it was Sardinia, he lay down on my bed for prank me. 
"your wedding has been canceled?" 
"no, but it was moved on June 4, 1859, so I have almost a whole year to spend with you"
"most beautiful thing is maybe my mother is going away for 2 weeks so I have free house"
"I heard that Austria is also going away for 2 weeks"
"I don't understand where he goes, but where does your mother go"
"to that guy's house that I have to marry"
"he's not your future husband"
"future husband in case it's you but he's not"
he kissed me and then he went away again.

\the next day/

this was a strange awakening, instead of my mother yelling at me to get up I felt a mustache on my cheek and then a kiss,
"wake up love"
"five more minutes"
" stay with me in bed"
I heard the door open and close so he had gone away, he had left me alone. 
I got up and I felt offended by his gesture, she had refused to be with me, how barbaric. 
I heard the door open and Sardegna came in, he had brought me breakfast in my room how good. 
"we are alone and no one tells us anything if we leave, so, do you want to come and visit one of my cities, I have in, the borders close to here?"
"obviously take me with you, where exactly do you want to take me"
"Lago Maggiore, the lake is very beautiful and I have a beautiful hidden villa there, no one knows about"
"all right, take me away with you"
he got up and took the spare hood and gave it to me put on
"let's leave now, and we will stay there 12 days"

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