Cap 13

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\7 month later/ 

I woke up in an all white room, it looked like a hospital room, I looked around it was really a hospital room.
Someone was talking outside my room, I didn't recognize the voices.
but what had happened? why was i in a hospital room? Someone opened the door and I saw Austria-Hungary, he approached me and took my hands to then fill me with kisses, I tried to free myself while he said a lot of things in German
"nurse why is he filling me with kisses and know everything are you saying?" The nurse looked at me amazed and called Austria away from me to talk to him.
I didn't know what they were talking about so I started playing with my thumbs and realized I had a ring, I took off the ring to see if there was my husban's name inside the ring 'Regno di Sardegna 1720, husband of Y/N L/N 1840' so I married the kingdom of Sardinia.
Austria went back to the room and sat next to me, he continued to speak German and I didn't understand
"Mrs. Y/N"
"do you remember what Austria did for you or how did you meet him?"
"I met him now, here in the hospital"
the nurse said something to Austria and he hugged me, the nurse left me alone with him
"Meine Liebe, don't you remember who I am?"
"you are Austria-Hungary"
"do you remember how we met?"
"yes, we met now, here in the hospital"
"ok you don't remember me anymore, anyway we were supposed to get married on July 4th"
"yes, I know it's the same date you were supposed to get married with the mr. Hutshef"
"who is mr. Hutshef"
"a guy that your mother had chosen to marry you"
"but I'm-"
"but don't worry love, in 2 months we'll get married and you'll become mine"
"what month are we in? "
"April 16, 1859, you were in a coma almost seven months"
"what happened to make me go into a coma for seven months"
"I don't know, but someone found you in a lake of sargue in your room, you lost a lot of blood and you were about to bleed to death but you were saved and you just forgot about your memories but in almost a month and a half you should have them back"
"who did this to me"
"I'm sorry but your mother did it "
I was amazed by his answer.

\4 hours later/ 

I was released from the hospital and went home, strangely I remembered how to get there.
"Y/N! Lots of letters have arrived from Sardinia. Where were you?"
"I was in the hospital, went to how and lost some memories"
"oh, by the way here are the letters"
he gave me the letters and left, I entered my room and started reading the letters.
The first letter told me that he was on his way to pick me up on November 28th at 1.45pm.
The second letter told me to get well soon and that he came every weekend to see me in the hospital, luckily the nurses were in the rebellion.
I was about to open the third envelope but someone yelled my name from the window, I turned around and it was Sardinia he threw himself on me to hug me, he started crying on my right shoulder as he held me close
"I thought I lost you forever"
I hugged him also trying to console him, he grabbed my wrist and dragged me to the window
"I'm taking me back to Sardinia"
"I can't, the nurses told me I have to stay here to treat my wounds"
"all right..."
"but you can stay with whatever you want, my mother has been arrested and will be in jail for another month"
"then I'll try to use all this month to love you" he hug me and kissed my head
"let's go to bed it's getting late"

\the next day/ 

"Love wake up"
I woke up and saw that Sardegna had brought breakfast in bed for both of us
"thanks, I've never had breakfast in bed"
"you've already had it in the past but you don't remember"
I started to eat
"you're good at cooking"
"thanks, however your Regnini want to see you again, you were a kind queen"
"am queen of your kingdom?"
"yes, we are married"
"when did we first meet?"
"we met in september last year, i was running away from the austrians and to hide i picked you up in a driveway and kissed you, you yelled at me first but when you found out who i was you apologized and helped me in many ways things"
he finished eating and I lay on his chest, Sardinia gave me a kiss on the head
"can you also tell me what we did together"
"so I tried many times to take you to my country but I failed but in October I managed to take you to lake Maggiore for 18 days. But Austria kidnapped you and almost made you drown, after a while I managed to take you back to my country and three days later we got married, but Austria ruined the moment by kidnapping you and bringing you back in Milan"
"when you bring me back to your country"
"as soon as your wounds are healed"
I got up and went to the bathroom to straighten my hair and took another dress
"do you want to go for a walk around the city?"
"all right"
Sardegna got up, took his hood and took my hand
"where do we go first"
"in the square in front of the cathedral"
"there's a market"
"think so"
"fine, let's go"
we started walking towards the cathedral square but Sardinia quickly left, what had he seen?
I looked around to see what she had seen that made him flee
"Mein Schatz, what are you doing here?" (my dear)
"I wanted to see what they were selling at the market"
"can I stay with you"
Austria looked at me bewildered as I continued walking towards the market
"why don't you want me to stay with you?"
"because I don't want you to be with me" "why?"
"because I don't want, I don't like being with people who say I have to marry them in two months"
"but it's true! ask your mother, she will tell you that we have to get married"
I ignored him and continued walking towards the market .
I got to the market and started looking at the things they were selling, nothing interesting.
I looked for Sardinia everywhere, but I couldn't find it
"who are you looking for"
I turned around and saw that Austria was behind me
"since when are you following me?"
"Since you left the market"
"leave me alone"
"no, you are my future wife and I have to follow you to protect you"
"protect me from who?"
"from Sardinia he always tries to kidnap you to take you to his country, so your mother instructed me to protect you"
"and I now since my mother is in prison so I can fire you from your job to protect me"
"you can't because I will follow you anyway "
"I denounce you"
"you can't, I am the boss here together with the Kingdom of Lombardy-Venetia"
I kept walking through the big city while Austria continued to follow me, I returned home and went to my house, I tried to distract myself by reading a book.
Sardegna came back to me only a few minutes later
"excuse me love, I had to go away, there was Austria and I wanted to avoid being arrested"
"all right, now come here"
Sardegna approached confused, I took his collar and threw it on the bed and I got on top.
Sardegna hugged me with his left hand while with the right he caressed my head and also gave me kisses on the head.
"When you have the visit for your wounds"
"Tomorrow, when you take me back to your country"
"when you are healed of your wounds" "but it's not right"
"I also want to take you to my country to finally take you to mine island that I promised to let you visit"
I took his cheeks and started playing with them
"they are soft"
he stood looking at me while I held them his cheeks, then I put them in his hair they were soft.
"do you like to play with my hair and cheeks"
"yes they are soft"
"I can play with your hair while you play with mine"
he started playing with my hair
"can we go eat"
"I cook"
"all right, what are you preparing?"
"mixed boiled meat, it's a typical Piedmontese dish and in the evening I'll make you a Sardinian one"
he went downstairs and went to the kitchen to start cooking.

\20 minutes later/  

I went down to eat, the smell was good
"Sardinia how did you manage to cook something so fast that it should take hours"
I sat down and started eating
"it's delicious!"
"I'm glad you liked me"
I continued to eat, until he finished the plate
"can I have some more"
"no it's finished"
he hadn't finished his plate yet so I stole his plate
"give it back to me"
"why should I"
"because I have to finish eating my portion"
"I'll finish it for you"
"if you want to eat it for me, in return you let me do what I want for half an hour"
I began to eat while he looked at me, he finished eating and he came over and took me like a bride, he gave me a kiss and took me to the room, he sat on the bed and put me on his knees while he filled me with kisses, he made me lie down on the bed and I embrace continuing to kiss and then embrace me without giving me an escape
"you will do this for the next half hour"
"yes, I will give you so much affection that you will have enough for the next months" 

\at 9.30pm/

"Love, come down, it's ready to eat!"
I put down the book I was reading, went down and saw what Sardinia had cooked
"what are they?"
"they are culurgiones, it is a typical dish typical of the island of sardinia"
"do you have an island that is called like you"
I took one and tasted it, it was very good.
Sardinia put 7 on my plate and while he was distracted I stole one from his plate.
"did you eat my culurgiones"
"no, why?"
"I was 7 like you but now I have 6"
I started eating my culurgiones ignoranso Sardegna, he noticed that my ears were red, a sign that I was lying, he approached me and started staring at me, I tried to ignore him , but I started to blush and leaned down to my height
"love, your ears are red, your cheeks are red, you ate my culurgiones"
I looked at him blushing even more, he took one of my culurgiones and ate it .
We finished eating and Sardegna helped me clean the dishes, as soon as I was finished he picked me up and took me to the room.
"Yes love?"
"what do we do?"
"I don't know"
I lay down on the bed and he put himself next to me, I turned towards him and hugged him
"I can't sleep"
Sardegna got up and took me in his arms and carried me to the balcony and put me on his lap

"In the stillness of this starry night,the words of love I want to whisper to you,before dreams envelop realityand sleep may gently embrace you.

You are the spell that lights up my life,a flower that blossoms in my heart,every moment spent next to you,it is a precious gift that makes everything more beautiful.

The stars in the sky are reflected in your eyes,and their brilliance is only a reflection of yours,your voice is a song that enchants my heart,and every word you speak makes me feel unique.

When you hold me in your arms,the world around us dissolves into nothingness,time stops and the breath becomes light,while our hearts beat in unison.

My love, before the darkness envelops us,I want to tell you once again how much I love you,that my soul is intertwined with yours,and our love will be eternal, like this endless night.

Now close your eyes, my love,and let dreams accompany you lightly,stay in my heart until dawn,where we will meet again, still in love and true."

his voice was calm as he told me the poem, I leaned on her shoulder and slowly fell asleep.

\the next day/

I woke up and looked around, I saw that Sardinia had put breakfast on my bedside table.
As soon as breakfast was over, I went down to the living room and saw that Sardegna was sitting in an armchair reading a book
"Sardè, what are you reading?"
"a novel"
I took the book away from him and climbed onto his lap.
"may I have another one of your wonderful poems"
"like last night's"
"why not?"
"because now my imagination doesn't let me create other ones"
I sat on his legs playing with his hair, while he remained looking at me.
"Let's go out?"
"to do what"
"I'm bored here in the house"
"you didn't have to go to the hospital for your injuries"
"what time is it"
"then I better go"
I left the house and went to the hospital, on the street I saw Austria in a jewelry store, but it didn't interest me.
I entered the hospital and waited for the doctor
"Miss Y/N"
"I'm here"
"come with me" followed the nurse and entered the room, the nurse treated my wounds and changed my bandages.
I left the hospital and went home, I saw Austria in the cathedral square, he was buying something, but I ignored him.
"Sardinia I'm back"
Sardinia hugged me and gave me a kiss on the head
"how are you"
"when your wounds should heal"
"in a few days"

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