cap. 3

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I went home I already knew that my mother was angry with me for being late but I didn't give a damn, I was used to being whipped.
''Miss Y/N. May I know where have you been all the time? you made your future husband leave"
''I don't care if he's gone, I don't want to see that man's face''
''Y/N who caused those marks on your neck?''
''missine now you tell me who caused them to you!"
''and why should I?"
As usual, my mother whipped me on the back ate, and went to my room to look out the window and enjoy the fresh air that evening. but my pleasure was short-lived, I heard some Austrian guards shouting at a man.
I pulled down the rope I had created earlier and pulled the man up.
''thanks again for saving me my lady'' ''stop being resorted to all over the city'' ''no, nice room''
''Thanks, in case they come looking, hide in the closet''
''All right''
''The top shelf''
while he was hiding I closed the window and gave him blankets.
''Why did you give me blankets?'' ''because I wanted you to sleep here tonight''
''A thousand thanks''
''come on, hide quickly, I'm hearing him talking to my mother''
I locked the closet and sat at my desk pretending to write a letter to a friend of mine.
he heard a knock on the door and I gave the order to enter.
''Y/N darling the Austrians have seen your open window so they would like to ask you about things''
"Okay, let them in"
''Guten Abend, gnadige Fr-'' (good evening, mis-)
''Guten Abend meine Damen'' (Good Evening Sir)
''Meine Liebe, wir waren auf der Jagd nach einem vermummten Mann, der illegal Propaganda machte, und sahen, wie sich Ihr Fenster öffnete. Wissen Sie, wo es ist?'' (my dear we were chasing a hooded man who was making illegal propaganda, and we saw your window open, do you know where it is?)
'' Ja, er ging direkt vor mein Haus und bog dann rechts ab '' (Yes, he passed right in front of my house and then turned right)
''Tausend Dank'' (thank you very much) He went down to give orders to his soldiers, Kingdom of Sardinia in the meantime he came out of hiding and gave a letter to then return to hiding.
"Meine Liebe, kann ich mit dir privat sprechen?" (I have to ask you something) "Mom don't spy on us!"
"Wie auch immer, erzählen Sie mir von Ihrer arrangierten Ehe, die Sie mit diesem Adligen haben ..." (Anyway, tell me about your arranged marriage that you have with this noble...)
"Wir können dieses Thema meiden" (Can we avoid the topic)
"aber ich möchte mit Ihnen über diese Sache sprechen"(but I want to tell you about this)
"das ist ein heikler Moment"(this is a sensitive moment)
"und warum Ist das ein heikler Moment?" (and why is it a delicate moment?)
"Morgen muss ich meinen zukünftigen Ehemann zur Hochzeit treffen."(Tomorrow I have to meet my future husband for the wedding.)
"Aber du liebst ihn nicht, du kannst dich weigern, ihn zu heiraten"(But you don't love him, you can refuse to marry him.) Meine Mutter würde mich mit einer Peitsche töten (My mother would kill me with a whip)
''In welchem Sinne?'' (What do you mean?)
I unzipped my dress to let him see the wounds she had caused me.
He ran his hands over my wounds asking now and then if it was hurting.
"Mein Lieber, ich muss jetzt gehen, bis morgen" (my dear I have to go now, see you tomorrow)
"Bis morgen dann" (see you tomorrow).
"Why do you behave so close to him? In my opinion, you will betray me by saying where I am hidden" "I will never do that I do a promise to my father before the Austrians killed him because he was in the revolution and they accused him even though he was innocent of a terrorist attack''
I cried for the horrible memory of killing my father when I was only five years old


"Sweet child,"
he whispered, his voice carrying the weight of a parent's love and the burden of impending loss.
"Know that no matter what happens, my love for you will always burn bright. You are my guiding light, the reason I have fought for justice and freedom. Remember that I am with you, even in the darkest moments."
Tears welled in his eyes as he continued, each word infused with the depths of his love and the regret of the life he would be unable to share with her.
"Never forget the values I have tried to instill in you: compassion, empathy, and the belief in a world where justice and equality prevail. Carry these ideals forward and let them be your guiding star."
His voice quivered, yet his resolve remained unwavering.
"Though I may not be physically present, my spirit will be forever intertwined with yours. In the face of adversity, my daughter, stand tall and never lose hope. Remember that love will triumph over hate, and that the world we strive for, a world where no child should witness such cruelty, as you know I didn't do anything I just hoped for a bright future under the single flag of the kingdom of Italy and for peace among the peoples who lived there. promise me to always stay in the revolution and case Milan enters the war against the Austrians to annex itself to a united Italian, always fight alongside the Italians your people. After my execution take the last note that i have in my pocket''
''I love you, my precious child. Be strong, be courageous, and never let the world extinguish the fire within your heart. Live a life worthy of the dreams we shared, and may you find solace in knowing that my love will be with you always." 
With those words, his voice blended with the collective silence of the crowd, his love carried on the winds of destiny, forever imprinted upon the soul of his beloved daughter.
And in that bittersweet moment, as his life was unjustly taken, his spirit soared, finding solace in the hope that his daughter would grow to be a beacon of light in a world that desperately needed it.

\ Back to the present/

I started crying brokenly against the chest of the Kingdom of Sardinia
''Y/N I'm so sorry''
I fell asleep against him.

\the next day/

I woke up with why the Kingdom of Sardinia was shaking me
''Why did you wake me up?''
''Your 'husband' is here and your mother will arrive soon so let me find you awake''
''Okay, thanks for letting me know''
''I'm going now, thanks for having me, the wardrobe was much more comfortable than the stadium floor''
he went to the window and threw himself down.
She dressed me just in time.
''Y/N, your future husband is here''
''okay I'm coming''
I looked in the mirror to fix my hair and 'Sorry to disappoint you, dad'.
I went down to the living room to meet my future husband Mr. Hatshef.
''Guten Morgen, meine Braut'' (Good morning my bride)
''Guten Morgen'' (good morning)
''Sie wissen sehr gut, dass wir heiraten müssen. Warum also nicht planen, wann die Hochzeit stattfinden soll?" (You know very well that we have to get married, so why not plan when to have the wedding)
"Ich weiß ganz genau, dass wir bald heiraten werden'' (I know perfectly well that we will get married soon)
"Also, an welchem ​​Tag wir heiraten" (then for which day we get married)
''10. Oktober, hier im Mailänder Dom'' (October 10 here at the Milan Cathedral)
''Okay, wir sehen uns im Oktober, Schatz, ich muss etwas erledigen'' (Okay, see you in October honey, I have something to do)
Mr. Hatshef left while my mother was celebrating her wedding, while I stood there to after a while start running aimlessly through the city.
I stopped at the park where the Austro-Hungarian Empire had first taken me.
I sat down on a nearby bench and tried to calm down, but I couldn't calm down.
''Y/N, warum weinst du, meine Liebe'' (Y/N why are you crying, my dear)
I didn't look up from the ground and talked about it.
Austria-Hungary took me in her arms trying to console me in all possible ways but failed.
''Komm, beruhige dich, Schatz, und erzähl mir, was passiert ist'' (come on, dear darling and tell me what happened)
''Heute wurde die Entscheidung getroffen, wann ich dieses Monster heiraten werde'' (Today the decision has been made when I will marry that monster) 

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