Cap 6

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I got up around 5 in the morning with excruciating pain coming up my arms. 
I was tempted to get up to try and go to a doctor to get my arms treated, but an arm coming from behind me stopped me.  I turned to see the owner of the arm, it was Austria.
„Wohin gehst du, Liebling?“  (Where are you going love?)
„Ich möchte zu einem Arzt gehen, um meine Arme untersuchen zu lassen“ (I want to go to a doctor to get my arms checked )
„Ich habe Medizin studiert, ich werde mich um dich kümmern, Liebling“ (I studied medicine, I'll take care of you love)
„Ich würde gerne zu einem richtigen Arzt gehen“ (I would like to go to a real doctor)
„Ich bin ein echter Arzt, nicht wahr?
“vertraust du meinen Fähigkeiten?“ ( I'm a real doctor, don't you trust my skills?)
„Nein, es ist nicht so, dass ich nicht vertraue und dass ich mich bei jemandem, der einen Abschluss in diesem Bereich hat, sicherer fühle.“ (no, it's not that I don't trust and that I feel safer with a real one who has a degree in this thing)
„Ich habe Medizin studiert, wie sie in der Schule studieren, und auch die der besten Ärzte der Welt, kann man mir vertrauen.“ (I studied medicine like they study in school and even the best doctors in the world you can trust me)
I gave him a chance, he followed him to the palace infirmary, made me lie down on a cot while he took a chair and put it next to me.  He harass me with questions about the pain in my arm, he asked me to move them but failed. 
he plastered my arms.
"Es tut mir leid, meine Liebe, dass ich deine Arme zerstört habe, aber ich wollte dich vor diesem Sarden beschützen" (I'm sorry my dear to have destroyed your arms but I wanted to protect you from that Sardinian)
Even though my arms were in plaster I tried to lean my head against his chest, Austria noticed my attempts, put his hands behind my head and bring my head against his chest to later do the same thing with the rest of the body.  She started playing with my hair as I was about to fall asleep on top of him. 

\30 minutes later/

I woke up to the sun shining its light against my eyes, I sat on the bed and saw that Austria was in the room with me reading a book in front of the fireplace.
I looked out the window and saw that Sardinia was also staring at Austria making fun of him.  I tried not to laugh but failed, Austria turned around because he had heard me laughing, he looked at me very confused then he looked at the window and saw Sardinia making fun of him.
He yelled something incomprehensible at him and walked over to me.
I stopped laughing as soon as he was at the edge of the bed, he lowered himself to my height with a serious face and I got anxious starting to sweat too.
„Hallo Schatz“ (hello dear)
„H-Hallo“ (hello)
„Hat dir die Szene gefallen, die der Sarde am Fenster gemacht hat?“ (did you enjoy the scene the Sardinian made at the window?)
„nein“ (no)
„seltsam, warum hast du dann gelacht?“ (strange why were you laughing then?)
I started making strange noises but they were interrupted, that disgusting Austrian kissed me, put his hands inside my dress and tried to play with my boobs but Sardegna there threw a vase on him making him pass out. 
"I'm the only one authorized to take their virginity away from her, not you Austrian"
he picked me up like I was a sack of potatoes and took me somewhere. 
We got to his hideout and he put me on the bed, he gave me a kiss on the head and went away. 
I began to get bored after a few seconds. 
"Is there something wrong love?!" 
"I'm bored"
he got behind me sitting on the bed he helped me sit up trying to get into a comfortable position, he put his hands around my pelvis resting his head on mine
"I said I was bored! Not in lack of love!"  my face warmed up and turned red, seeing my reaction he moved his head to my left shoulder. 
"Okay, I'll make your boredom disappear"
I turned even redder after that answer, Sardegna began to tickle me, immediately targeting my weak point.

\the next day/

when I woke up Sardegna was gone, he left a letter on the bedside table together with a rose. 
'My dear I'm sorry I left without saying goodbye but you were sleeping and it seemed like you were dreaming of something wonderful so I preferred not to wake you. However, I have to tell the Austrian guards about the hiding place, don't worry, the letters are hidden inside the bandage on your right arm and you can take them out whenever you want. I put the letter down and waited for the Austrian guards.'
while I was waiting for them I tried to go to the kitchen to see if she had left anything on the table for me, she hadn't left anything so I went back to bed looking at the ceiling making mental films about my future.
„Mein Schatz, geht es dir gut?“(my dear are you ok?)
"Oh ja"(oh yes)
He hug me and he apologized, while I rubbed his back to console him. 
he picked me up and carried me out of hiding as he continued to apologize.  arrived at his house I take me to the bedroom and he put me on the bed. 
I kept making mental films while he kept talking about meaningless things, Sardinia had told me that the Valentino park was a wonderful park, he had described it to me in detail so I began to imagine Sardinia and I walking in the park while holding hands..
"Y/N, du ignorierst mich" (Y/N you're ignoring me?)
"Nein, ich habe mir die Dinge eingebildet, die du mir erzählt hast" (No, I imagined the things you told me)

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