A Lead

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Levi's POV

I sat down near my desk sighing at my predicament. "Eyebrows need to know that I don't need a partner, especially someone who is that innocent." I said to myself picking up a file for the newest case. 

It was a mass murderer of a gang who called themselves 'The Titans'. I skimmed through the information of their latest murderer, we have made an achievement this time by recovering the body of the victim in good condition. 

I was snapped out of my thoughts by a soft knock on my door and I closed the file putting it down on the desk next to neatly arranged pile of paperwork. "Levi heichou, we're heading out for lunch, we were wondering if you wanted to join us." Perta the only female in my squad asked poking her head through the door. "Tch, go." I said and she nodded leaving with a defeated look. 

I stood up from my chair heading for the forensic area to check the progress on the autopsy. "Levi, hold on a second, I have to show you something." Hanji called out to me her high voice making me glare at her. "What is it four-eyes, I have more important things to do." I said walking up to her. "This is something about your case actually, Asami gave me these to be tested a while ago, it's some kind of substance, the chemical components are completely unique from all the drugs I have tested in this lab itself." Hanji explained moving the test tube in front of my face. 

"Was this never found before." I asked surprised by the discovery made in the last hour. "Yes we've never found this before, she said that she found this substance on the victims clothes. I think you're department finally got a good forensic on things." She replied jumping in excitement. She may not be that incompetent. I thought thinking about Hanji's comment.

Asami's POV

I looked at the victims corps feeling sorry for the poor woman who had to go through all the pain. I slipped into a lab coat and took out a pair of rubber gloves before putting on my mask. I prepared all the tools needed for the task before I stepped next to the metal table. 

After minutes of investigating and countless entries I spotted a difference in the fabric of the scarf worn by the victim. There was a type of powder on it, after close inspection I realized that it wasn't any type of makeup powder. It had a difference in texture compared to any commonly used substances which lead me to take a zip line bag and take the scarf in as evidence. 

I scurried out of my office to the labs so that I can hand over the bag to be tested as soon as possible. "Excuse me, is there someone available to test out this." I said waving the bag around catching the attention of a brown haired woman. She had her hair pulled back in a ponytail and when she turned to me I noticed that she wore glasses as well. 

"Hanji Zoe, I'll be pleasured to test that out for you." She said offering her hand for the bag. "Asami." I responded to her introduction. "You're the new forensic right, I'm actually surprised you've managed to get this so soon." She exclaimed moving to the table next to her. "I heard you were partnered up with shorty, you might think it's tough luck." Hanji said taking out the scarf from the bag. "Why would I think that, also I'm shorter than him, so it's a tad insulting if you're calling him shorty." I defended myself. 

"Ah, sorry about that, by tough luck I mean that many people don't find him approachable, kinda gives a scary look don't you think." Hanji said leaning in to me for the last part. "I'm sure I can handle it." I said confidence dripping my voice. I left the lab heading back to work to see if I could manage to find anymore evidence. 

After sometime I sighed seeing the amount of injuries the victim has sustained, although one wound stood out to me more that others. "Is this some kind of symbol they use to mark their victims or something, that's disgusting." I mumbled thinking about the symbol like wound on the victims abdomen. I took some notes on the design of the symbol intending to do some research on it before submitting it to detective Levi. 

"Hanji asked to pass you a message." I low voice said behind me and I flinched startled. "The substance you gave can be used as a lead, it has some sort of a difference in chemical components than most drugs." Levi stated and I nodded thoughtfully. "Have you found anything here?" He asked me before I could respond to his earlier comment. "There is a large amount of needle wounds, it even seems like they were injecting something into her, could it be that......" I trailed off not wanting to believe the possibility. 

"Tch, just spit it out." Levi said interrupting my train of thoughts. "The Titans are said to be an infamously unbeatable gang, there has to be someway they do it, so could it be that they are using other people as experiments." I spoke my thoughts and I recognized the slight change in Levi's facial features. "That could be a valid argument." Levi said thoughtfully. "Anything else?" He asked and I opened my mouth to mention about the symbol but deciding against it. 

"Nope nothing else yet, other wounds are mainly bruises and she has head trauma probably from the beating she received. Also I'm seeing the cause of death as bleeding out, the stab wound in her abdomen with other deep cuts would have lead to a slow and painful death." I explained the rest leaving out the part of the symbol which I was still unsure about. "Report to me if you find anymore findings." Levi said turning around to leave the room. 

"Levi umm, detective ackerman, is there someone in the homicide department who I can reach out to investigate tattoos and things." I asked fixing myself as I earned a glare for accidentally calling him by his first name. "There is, why?" He asked me giving me a look of suspicion.  "Just in case, for future references." I said trying to keep my voice stable. "You can ask Petra, she's the one on those things." He said before walking out of the office. 

I sighed in relief and quickly grabbed the sketch I made of the symbol before heading to the department. Lucky for me there was only one female working in the whole department. A strawberry blond haired cheery girl welcomed me as I entered into their office. "Hi, I'm Petra, nice to meet you." She said running up to me. "Asami, I was wondering if I could get your help on something." I asked feeling a little out of place with how happy everyone was acting. "Of course, what is it." She asked leading me to her table. 

"This symbol, can you look up what it could possibly be used for." I asked showing her the symbol and a flash of recognition went through her face. "This symbol is what we've found on every one of the Titans we ambushed, it's more like a symbol of their membership or something." Petra said seemingly lost in a train of thoughts. 

"Where did you see that." I jumped up surprised by Levi's voice and Petra's eyes widened slightly. "I um- my office now." Levi yelled interrupting me. I froze up seeing the anger that flared in his eyes which made him grab my forearm pulling me into his office. 

"I'm not going to ask again." Levi said after closing the door of his after pulling me inside. "I- I found it...on the victims corpse...it was engraved into her skin." I stuttered out trying to hold up my composure which was faltering under his angry glare. "And you didn't think to mention that while I was down there." Levi yelled out raising his hand up making me flinch back in defence. Levi glanced at me confusion swarming his face as he ran his hand through his hair. 

"Look, I'm sorry that I left out a possible lead in the case, but I wanted to investigate it further before telling you." I said trying to keep the tremble in my voice stable. "If you have nothing else to say, I'll head back to work." I exclaim before walking out of the office. I quickly headed to my office and I noticed Petra give me a look of sympathy. 

I slammed the door of my office shut sinking into the floor as my shaky knees gave out. I let the tears that welled in my eyes flow out, curling into a ball to silence my sobs. Just stay calm, he wasn't going to hurt you, he's not like them, they're not here anymore. I thought to myself trying to calm my racing heart. 

 I lifted myself off the ground after a while, heading to the couch in my office. I took out my own lap top, determined to find out the symbol and its possible meaning. 


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