Another Murder

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Asami's POV

I woke up in the morning tiredly stretching before turning to my side coming face to face with a sleeping Levi. He looks so peaceful when he's sleeping. I though as I move his hair out of his face smiling at his face. 

"Good morning." He yawns blinking his eyes open making my face heat up remembering the night before. "Good morning." I said sitting up on the bed to go get ready for work. I gasp as Levi pulls me back to bed hugging me tightly from behind. "Levi, I need to get ready. We have to go to work." I said turning back to face him. "Can't we stay in, I can call today sick for the both of us." He whined burying his face in my hair. "Yeah and the murderer will also take a day off from crime." I said sarcastically making Levi sigh. 

"Alright, alright." He said letting me go to get ready. I showered getting ready to head to work and I turned to the side looking at my neck trying to tie my hair up. "Levi." I yell out angrily running out of the bathroom. "Yes?" He asked innocently fixing the collar of his shirt. "How am I suppose to tie my hair up." I said to him showing a visible bruise on the side of my neck. "Oh wow. Then keep your hair down I guess." Levi said smirking slyly. 

"Oh don't get too proud about this." I said jumping at him both of us falling onto the ground. "H-hey s-top." Levi laughed out as I tickled him. I stopped while laughing at his reaction as he pouted childishly. I was loving this side of Levi than the cold detective I knew two months ago. "Wait here alright." He said heading into his room. "Here you can use this, it's getting cold now anyways so no one would notice much." Levi said as he wrapped a dark green scarf around my neck. "Thanks, it smells like you". I mumbled smiling as I smelled the scarf making levi look at me a bit red in the face. 

We left the house getting into the car driving off towards the station. I look at my phone seeing that it was ringing, "It's from the station." I inform Levi as I pick the phone up. 

"Yes. We'll be there." I said to the caller tapping Levi on the shoulder. "This  location." I said placing my phone where he could see it. "That neighborhood huh, we haven't received a call from around there as long as I remember." Levi exclaimed turning the car towards our location.        

"So why a murder in such a quiet neighborhood." I said looking out the window as we got closer. My eyes widened seeing the all too familiar houses. It's this neighborhood, no it can't be. You thought before jumping when Levi tapped you on the shoulder. "Everything alright, I said that this place is a bit odd, not many people around." Levi said stopping the car near the other cars. "Yeah, there hasn't been many people in this area ever." I said to him before quickly getting to the forensic tent. I was worried for being in this neighborhood again I didn't want to encounter anyone that might recognize me.

"So what is it." I asked as Levi came into the tent. "The suspect for our most recent case, well he's dead." Levi replied grimly. "You mean Annie Leonhart's boyfriend, Marco Bodt." You said turning to him. "Yeah, his body in that house." Levi pointed to a small house. "Take a look." He added leading me to the crime scene. 

"Officers, thank goodness you're here my son he's in that room." An older woman sobbed seeing the both of you. "I'll take a look." I said to her in a gently tone before entering the room. I looked over the crime scene finding nothing out of the ordinary until I made it to the corpse. "Foamed mouth, could it be poison." I said to myself looking for any clues in the room. "Is there anything that could be a clue." Levi asked poking his head inside. "It looks like poison." I said lifting up an empty bottle of beer that was lying not too far away. 

"I'll need to get this tested in the lab then we will be able to make a list of suspects." I said bagging the bottle and handing it to Moblit. "Asami is that you dear." Mrs. Bodt said making me freeze up while Levi raised an eyebrow at me. "Nice to meet you Mrs. Bodt." I said politely. "Ah, you have grown into quite a fine lady." She commented before her eyes saddened. "I heard what happened and what that man did, I'm glad you're doing better now." She added sympathetically. 

"Thank you, it's been years since that incident." I said knowing Levi was itching to ask me what she was talking about. "Oh and one more thing dear, if you'd ever want to come back to your old home I have the keys for the place, take that to consideration if you wanted to come back okay." She said looking at you kindly. "I'll think about it." I said to her before leaving the scene with Levi walking ahead of me. 

"Levi, wait up." I called him hoping he wasn't upset with me. "This neighborhood is where you grew up?" He asked stopping for a second. "Yes, why do you ask." I ask noticing his conflicted expression. "Are you really going to come back here?" Levi said coldly and my eyes widened at his question. "Maybe someday, but right now no." I said touching his arm gently. "Just forget it, lets go." Levi stammered getting rid of my hand and walking off to the car. What's his deal. I thought hurrying to the car. 

"Levi is something wrong." You asked him as he kept his eyebrows knitted. "Le-" I started but stopped myself as he glared at me. "Get out." Levi said gritting his teeth. "Wh-what's going on at least tell me if-" "I said get the hell out." Levi yelled interrupting me and I grabbed my bag getting out of the car. He drove away leaving me behind in the crime scene where everyone except the corps incharges were left. 

He'll come back right, I mean he just needs to cool off. I thought trying to be positive as I looked around me noticing something in the mud. I took out my phone dialing Levi's number and keeping it that way as I walked following the tracks which lead through the neighborhood stopping in front of my childhood home. I reluctantly stepped forwards looking at the surrounding area overgrown. Thunder broke startling me and I gasped the memories of that night coming back to me making shake. 

"L-levi." I gasped as he picked up the phone. "What do you want can't you walk back or something." He snapped angrily. "C-clue....can't breath." I muttered hyperventilating. "Where are you, never mind I'm on my way, hold on." Levi spoke worried while I fell to my knees trying to get a hold of myself as tears fell from my eyes. 

Levi's POV

I was mad at her for not telling me where we were or anyway it might've impact her if we had to work in this area. I felt like she didn't trust me even though we've been working together for months and now in a romantic relationship. I was racing back to the station after kicking her out of the car until I saw my phone ringing and her ID showed on screen and I answered annoyed. 

"L-levi." Her voice came as soon as I answered and I didn't feel like dealing with her right now.   "What do you want can't you walk back or something." He snapped angrily just wanting to be left alone. "C-clue....can't breath." Her voice came ragged making worry well up in the pit of my stomach. "Where are you, never mind I'm on my way, hold on." I said feeling worried about her now as I turned the car and headed back. 

I stepped out of the car seeing her on her knees in front of a house gasping for air. "Hey, hey calm down. Look I'm here aren't I?" I said to her in a softer voice taking her shaking form into my arms directing her to take deep breaths. "I'm s-sorry, she jumped to save me." She gasped tears flowing from her eyes. "Asami, hey look at me." I said cupping her face in my hands. "It was a long time ago please, I need you to breath okay take deep breaths. I got you, no one will hurt you ever." I said hugging her close and rubbing her back as I calmed her emotions down. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2023 ⏰

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